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Cardio Coach Volume 1 (Original)

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Lisa C

I have been doing iTread workouts by Grace Lazenby a lot lately, but I needed a break from Grace. So I went back to Cardio Coach, which I haven't used in a few years actually. I don't love the music on this one, but this is short and sweet and pushes just a little bit, when you don't feel like a super intense workout.

Alta's review has a nice break down so I won't repeat that, but I'll expand on the challenges:

~ Challenge 1 includes 6, 20 second sprints at level 3, with a 40 second rest.

~ Challenge 2 includes 3, 1 minute hill climbs with 1 minute of rest.

Sean is definitely encouraging. He can sometimes be too much for me, but the last time I did this workout a week ago, he was just what I needed. These are good workouts to have, when you are in the mood and need a gentle push.


I was getting desperate for workouts I could do with my elliptical and this is a good one. The cardio portion is about 30 minutes. It goes by very quickly.

I found I could make this into a killer if I wanted to. The first time I took it easy.

One of the big selling points for the Cardio Coach series is the music. I liked it, but it didn’t set me on fire. It is said to be better than that in Spinervals. Never having heard Spinervals, I cannot compare. Some of the music reminded me of old action cop shows from the 70’s (Starsky & Hutch, Charlie’s Angels) That is not necessarily a bad thing.

The main selling point for me is Coach Sean. He keeps things going with his energy and enthusiasm.

Here is a breakdown of the workout.

Track 1 - Disclaimer 2:22

Track 2 - Meet your coach 4:35

Track 3 - Warm up 5:00

Track 4 - Steady State 1 3:51

Track 5 - Challenge 1 7:59

Track 6 - Challenge 2 5:07

Track 7 - Steady State 2 3:47

Track 8 - Cool down 4:17

Track 9 - Closing Comments 3:23

This workout can also be used with treadmills, etc.

Instructor Review

Sean has a great voice. He does a lot of coaching and talking in this first volume of a series. In further volumes there is supposed to be less coaching.