Zumba - Advanced
Reviews from VideoFitness
I saw the infomercial for Zumba a couple years ago and was intrigued, but felt it looked mildly hokey for an upper intermedidate-advanced fitness enthuasiast. So I passed.
Too bad for me. I missed out on two years of fun! Zumba Advanced is the most fun workout video/DVD I've owned in the past decade. (It should be entitled, "Party on a Disc.") It clearly has the best workout music I have heard during the past 10 years --Latin music with a happy "how can we not smile and gyrate ourselves silly?" beat.
My only regret with Zumba Advanced is that I waited two years to purchase it.
I'm not a dancer. While I don't have trouble with complex step or dance choreography, my preference leans toward simple athletic movements (Firm, FitPrime, Tae Bo, etc.) I was concerned that I might need the introductory Zumba DVD to learn how to "Zumba." Not so. I quickly caught on to the steps in Zumba Advanced. I do appreciate the fact that the more I do this workout, the most adept I'll become at the movements. It presents a fun challenge of sorts.
The Zumba set is simple,light-filled and brightly colored. The Zumba dancers and live band are all happy and inspiring. Giselle, in particular, is endearing. The workout (i.e.,party!) flew by. Best of all, Advanced Zumba gave me a fine workout. I'd place it in the solidly intermediate to lower advanced range, depending on how much energy you put into it.
Zumba Advanced is one of my favorite fitness purchases of 2004. It's a welcome antidote to all the meat-and-potato workouts on the market. I look forward to future releases.
NOTE: You may wish to modify Zumba Advanced if you have knee trouble. I am 42 and did not experience any trouble, but I imagine it might pose a problem for others. Buy it, if only for the music and levity. Just modify as needed. Heck, do your own Leslie Sansone-type workout and forget Beto and his crew. If nothing else, the soundtrack will inspire you.