Yoga with Janice Lennard
Reviews from VideoFitness
This has become my favorite yoga DVD. Janice is in her 70s and is incredibly flexible, strong, and elegant. She has decades of experience with dance, Pilates, and yoga. The studio where this was shot is lovely, and so is the music. Janice does the routine and cues in voice-over. I like her voice very much--it's very calm. There are no other people in the "class".
This is definitely NOT "yoga for seniors"!! In fact, this DVD isn't for *anyone* who isn't an intermediate practitioner. It is definitely not for beginners. There is no real instruction--Janice tells you what you'll be doing but not details as to how, if that makes sense--so you really need a good basis in yoga practice to do this DVD. Also there are no modifications shown, so you have to know your body well enough to know how to modify poses on your own. I've practiced yoga for over 15 years, and because of pre-existing injuries I do have to modify some of the poses on this DVD. I certainly do not have Janice's hip flexibility, for example. This is not an easy yoga routine by any means. While I wouldn't call it "power yoga", It is an hour long and isn't chaptered, so you have to have time to do the whole thing. Sometimes the voiceover was a bit confusing the first time I did the DVD, but after that I have been able to follow it with no problem.
Janice's elegance and grace is truly lovely. The practice challenges me without wiping me out. There is no extraneous commentary to get bored with over repeated viewings; I really appreciate that. I feel as though I am taking a solo class with Janice and I like that very much (in fact, the vast majority of the yoga DVDs I own are instructor-only). I am 60, and it is inspirational beyond anything to see a 70+ year old woman who is so strong and flexible. It certainly is a huge incentive to stay on the mat, and I'm delighted to have discovered such a graceful and elegant instructor. I'm very happy she put out this DVD.
PS This is a slight modification of the review that I posted on Amazon under the name E.A. Moon. I am not copying someone else's review.
Janice is a long-time dance, Pilates, and yoga instructor.