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Yoga Fusion: Basic Steps to Great Abs

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This is an enjoyable video which targets not just the abs but the entire upper body. Two instructors, Ross Rayburn and Teigh McDonough, lead you through simple but challenging movements. Ross begins the workout with yoga sun salutations, first just focusing on breathing and forward bends, then adding in a lunge sequence.

Once you are warmed up, Ross leads you through a tougher yoga segment which is focused on the abs but which really works the arms as well. You will start in downward dog and bring your knee to your forehead, then move back to downward dog and through to plank (Teigh shows a less challenging version on hands and knees). An arm balance prep series comes next, with Ross doing the full pose and Teigh keeping her feet on the floor. This section ends with holding dolphin pose while concentrating on the abs.

Teigh leads some simple stretches and then moves on to Pilates-like floorwork. The exercises are not classic Pilates; rather, they are more like Pilates-inspired crunches. Ross also jumps in with some additional yoga poses, including boat. Finally, Teigh concludes the workout with restorative poses (reclined cobbler\'s and relaxation) and a brief guided meditation.

Although the workout is lead mostly by Ross, he and Teigh work well together, and Teigh frequently performs modifications. I would have preferred a bit more Pilates or other \"fusion\" work, but overall, I enjoyed this practice, which felt like a nice yoga routine that specifically worked my abs and arms.

Instructor Review

I liked both instructors, although Ross led most of the workout. I wondered if Ross had been trained in Anusara yoga, as he frequently used heart-focused language. The instructors worked well together, providing good cuing and excellent modifications.