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The Yoga Boot Camp Box

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Reviews from VideoFitness


I’m reviewing these CDs after doing each of the workouts at least once in (my slightly modified version of) a yoga bootcamp weekend.

General workout breakdown: Sharon has already given a great description of this box set.

Here are, more or less, the poses included in each power yoga workout:

*75 Minute Flow (75.5 min.): samasthiti (mountain), uttanasana (rag dog / standing forward fold), adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog), tadasana (mountain w/ hands extended overhead), urdhva mukha uttanasana (halfway lift), dandasana (plank / high push-up), chaturanga dandasana (low push-up), urdhva mukha svanasana (upward-facing dog), utkatasana (thunderbolt / chair), virabhadrasana I (warrior 1), virabhadrasana II (warrior 2), balasana (child’s pose; according to Baron, aka “thankGodasana”), anjaneyasana (crescent lunge), parivrtta alanasana (revolving crescent lunge w/ arms extended), vasisthasana (side plank), parivrtta ukatasana (prayer twist), garudasana (eagle), utthita hasta padangusthasana A & B (standing leg raise, front & side), dekasana (airplane), vrksasana (tree), trikonasana (triangle), parivrtta trikonasana (twisting / revolved triangle), prasarita padottasana A (standing straddle bend A), parsvottanasana (namaste forward bend), prasarita padottanasana B (standing straddle bend B), salabhasana (locust), dhanurasana (bow), ustrasana (camel), setu bandhasana (bridge), urdhva dhanurasana (wheel), scissor legs, 60/30 lift, supta baddha konasana (reclined cobbler / butterfly), abdominal twist, sarvangasana (shoulder stand), halasana (plow), karnapidasana (deaf man’s), navasana (boat) - crossed ankle lift, adho mukha pada rajakapotasana (half pigeon), dwapada rajakapotasana (double pigeon), janu sirsasana (seated single leg extension), paschimottanasana (seated forward bend), purvottanasana (tabletop), matsyasana (fish), supine twist, and savasana (corpse).

*Vinyasa Flow (21 min.): balasana (child’s pose), adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog), samasthiti (mountain), sun salute A, sun salute B (with thunderbolt & warrior 1), virabhadrasana II (warrior 2), parvritta virabhadrasana II (reverse warrior), navasana (boat) - crossed ankle lift, urdhva mukha sukhasana (seated half pigeon), ardha purvottanasana (3-legged tabletop), krounchasana (lifted leg pose), parivrtta krounchasana (twisting lifted leg pose), janu sirsasana (seated single leg extension), parivrtta marichyasana (straight leg single twist), paschimottanasana (seated forward bend), and savasana (corpse).

*Hip Sequence (23.5 min.): balasana (child’s pose), adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog), samasthiti (mountain), sun salute A, sun salute B (with thunderbolt & warrior 1), ardha virabhadrasana (deep hip lunge), urdhva mukha sukhasana (seated half pigeon), ardha purvottanasana (3-legged tabletop), marichyasana (bent leg seated twist), dwapada prajakapotasana (double pigeon), bhekhasana (frog), urdhva mukha upavista konasana (dead bug / happy baby), and savasana (corpse).

*Core Sequence (20 min.): balasana (child’s pose), adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog), samasthiti (mountain), sun salute A, sun salute B (with thunderbolt & warrior 1), virabhadrasana II (warrior 2), salabhasana (locust), dhanurasana (bow), setu bandhasana (bridge), urdhva dhanurasana (wheel), urdhva mukha upavista konasana (dead bug / happy baby), scissor legs, 60/30 lift, abdominal twist, supine twist, and savasana (corpse).

*Meditation instruction (10 min.): in a seated position you bring your attention to the breath and then meditate on your hands.

Once Baron has established the sun salutation, the next few repetitions are very quick - so quick, in fact, I (who has to modify chaturangas and am working up to rolling over my toes between down and up dog) was often a pose or two behind. I felt I had enough time for other poses, though, as Baron often has you hold them for several breaths. The sun salutations are restricted primarily to the beginning of the routines, especially during the shorter ones; vinyasa flows, however, pop up as connecting features throughout the 75-min. sequence. I did not feel I had saluted the sun to death, however, as I had first feared when I realized I would be doing all power yoga for a weekend.

Level: I’d recommend this to experienced beginners through low to maybe mid-intermediates; this is great for those at the beginner / intermediate crossover point. You need to have enough experience with yoga to be able to follow along without visual cues, although having the flashcards helps. You also need to be comfortable enough with the poses that you can move into them fairly quickly.

For those with wrist, elbow, etc., issues, know that a number of poses are spent on the hands.

Music: none

Equipment: sticky mat (or equivalent) and optional block.

Space Requirements: enough room to perform a full sun salutation without bumping into things and lie on the floor with limbs extended. For the 75-min. flow you’ll also need room behind you for the plow.

Box Set Notes: The 75-min. practice is on one CD; the other CD has the 20-min. practices (first the Vinyasa Flow, then the Hip Opening, and finally the Core) followed by the meditation. There are no chapters within the practices.

Accompanying flashcards are clearly numbered and marked for each practice; each usually has the Sanskrit name with translation. The face has a picture of the full pose; the back has alignment (i.e. form instruction and tips), benefit, and sometimes a modification (which may or may not be accompanied by an additional photo of the modified pose).

The booklet has, as Sharon mentioned, an overview of the program, daily plans for the bootcamp, suggestions on what to eat, do, etc. during your non-yoga time that weekend, a brief bio of Baron, and space for journaling.

Conclusion: Like Sharon, I originally purchased this for the 20 min. routines. I knew I would like the hip opening sequence, but I’m pleasantly surprised with the Vinyasa Flow, which just might be my favorite. The core one is good, but I’m a wimp when it comes to yogic abs workouts! I ended up liking the 75-min. sequence more than I thought, but its length means I won’t be doing it often.

I just completed a yoga bootcamp weekend. I didn’t follow Baron’s instructions to the letter. (I only did the 75-min. sequence once a day rather than twice, substituting in one of the shorter routines for the second round. I also substituted in meditations from other yoga videos and books.) I found the weekend to be more of a retreat than a bootcamp, but then I found the workouts very doable challenges for me and modified the schedule. I am a little sick of power yoga right now, though I wasn’t a power yoga junkie to begin with, but in a week or two I’m sure I’ll be back to it.

I did this bootcamp because I was curious about the experience and wanted to focus my attention for the upcoming semester. This box set seems ideal for someone who wants to kick start their yoga or fitness program after a lull, for example, or who wants some time to themselves.

As Sharon mentioned, Baron’s focus is not purely athletic with the chanted Oms (which Baron pronounces with a nasal inflection) and focus on the breath, giving the practice a more meditative quality.

Instructor Review

Baron has a good presence on audio and cues well. He’s not very focused on alignment, and during the routine itself he focuses more on basic cueing than copious form tips, although he includes a few good ones. Here again having the flashcards helps, for their instruction complements what he says in the CD. He is serious about the yoga, so there’s little extraneous chatter, but he’s not overly serious. He does have a few silly sayings (like imagining your feet are in espresso to get you to feel like your feet are alive), but they only pop up every now and then. I am curious if he simply dictated or read the routines without having someone performing them live, as a few transitions seemed rushed to me. Also, either the second side sometimes seemed shorter because I knew the end was coming or else Baron cuts a few seconds off of some of the exercises. (Not that I’m complaining too much!)


Yoga Bootcamp provides the tools to have your own Baptiste 3 day bootcamp experience at home. There is a workbook outlining the 3 days activities and diet, 2 CDs of yoga practices and meditation as well as flash cards to go along with each posture. There is no music...just Baron's voice.

HOWEVER, I didn't buy this kit for a total yoga immersion experience but for the yummy 20m practices. These have been great for helping me to include yoga on a regular basis. Some days it is just hard to fit in an hour or 90 min! practice.

There are 4 practices (one 75m practice, one 20m vinyasa flow , one 20m core sequence, one 20m hip sequence) and a 10m guided meditation in the kit. I've just tried the 20m practices so far and really like them all. The hip sequence is my favorite as I tend to get very tight hipflexors, quads, and hamstrings.

The flashcards have come in handy for me to get in a little practice while my family hogs the TV/DVD players. No equipment needed!

Just be warned that there is some woo-woo as these are practices intended to have a more spiritual focus. For example, Baron opens each practice with 3 ohm chants and holds encourages you to let go of your work, family troubles, etc. while you are held captive in downward dog for 5 breaths.

If you are a fan of Baron's other practices and like doing yoga to audio CDs, I think you'll really enjoy these. What a great bargain at $16.99 on Amazon!

Instructor Review

Baron Baptiste is one of my favorite instructors -- Unlocking Athletic Power was the first practice to really pique my interest in yoga.