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Reviews from VideoFitness

Jennifer Lan

My review won't get anyone to skip the video because it is obviously a unanimous suggestion. But for anyone who owns it and pops it in just for some variety once in a while, check out the girl on the mat to Denise's left (your tv's right side). Can she stop wiggling her fingers?!?!? That, truthfully, is the reason I can't use this video. I can trudge through nearly anything and adapt it to work for me but I want to scream when I see those fingers!!

Instructor Review

Normally I like Denise. She looks great for having all those kids and I would trust her to share her secrets. But this video is her way of jumping on the yoga/pilates bandwagon...and she should stay off!

Julianne J

Denise tries very hard to use a calming voice throughout this workout, and for the most part, she is pleasant. But she doesn't come across as an expert in this field. I very much appreciate when exercise instructors incorporate an expert into their video (such as Kathy Smith does on her yoga tapes).

I did this video once and will never put it back into the VCR again. She moves through the routine much too quickly to benefit from the stretching. I was very disappointed by this video. I don't even think it is worthy to donate to the library. When I do yoga I usually feel like falling asleep during the relaxation phase at the end. I didn't even feel a "tingle" after I finished this video. She flunks out on yoga.

Michele H

First, the excuses. I bought this video months ago, when I was trying to build a small and inexpensive library of fitness tapes for when I couldn't make it to the gym.

Of course, now that I work out almost exclusively at home, and now that I've found this site and the experience of so many of you out there, I know that this tape is something I shouldn't have even tried.

But never let it be said I took a tape to the used store without at least trying it once. So I put it in the VCR tonight.

And took it out 10 minutes later. Competency in yoga aside, Denise needs to learn that one should keep talking to a bare minimum during yoga.

What turned me off more than anything was that this tape is recorded in EP, and no indication of this is given anywhere on the tape slipcover or on the tape itself. Be warned!