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Y2K Yoga

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Annie S

I'm actually surprised I like this as much as I do. I really didn't know what to expect from this "westernized" version of Power Yoga, but I was thrilled to find that, in this case, "westernized" does NOT translate to watered-down or something completely off-the-wall. It is indeed Power Yoga, but she uses different names for the postures . . . i.e., down-dog is an inverted V, etc., and there is no mystical-type talk.

The workout can be compared with Bryan Kest's Energize, Tone, and Sweat tapes. It starts out a little on the easy side, but by the time you're half-way into the one-hour workout, you have no doubt it's Power Yoga. The first half starts out with some modified sun salutations (modified to make them easier), but progresses to the full posture. You then move into standing postures like triangle, revolved triangle, etc. (which she does not call by those names). The second half includes some very difficult balancing postures and more advanced flexibility and strength moves. If you want to, you can just stop after the first section.

The production quality is very good. Leigh is indoors by herself, and she's very pleasant and instructs well -- you won't find yourself having to look at the TV to figure out what you're supposed to do.

This is a great workout (available from, and definitely a keeper if you like Power Yoga. A++.