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XTrain - Cardio Leg Blast

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Reviews from VideoFitness


Virgin workout for me, in Nov 2020.

I'm 57, & 4'10" (relevant for step heights), intermediate level I suppose, but lower end these days.

The equipment list doesn't give specific weights - they are listed at the beginning of the chapters, so as I generally AIM to match weights, to get them laid out ready I had to skip through the chapters which gave me a preview. Laying them all out took some time as had to include adjustables with plate weights, converting to kg from Cathe's lb - moved seriously into dread mode as it looked really hard! And all on a 10" step (3 risers).

Weights: Cathe uses D-bells 8lb (3.6kg), 12lb (5.5lb), 15lb (6.8kg), 20lb (9.1kg) & 25lb (11.4kg) + loop band + 10" step throughout

After some procrastination, roused the determination and did it.

Not as fit as I once was for various reasons but felt very proud that I did the whole thing matching weights & only lowered the step to 8" when Cedie did for the step-cardio towards the latter part of the workout.

It's hard, but not excruciating. Nothing is done for so long that you're muscles are screaming or gasping in the cardio so I'd definitely put it (as others have said) at high-intermediate to low-advanced.

Didn't notice the music, but I rarely do unless it's particularly fun and I didn't recognise any of it - but I expect that of myself.

She mostly moves to the beat but not always.

Got tired at one point and bothered to read the screen for which round (of 12) it was up to & it was round 11 already, so it passed rather quickly.

Here's the full breakdown that I have in my database. I used to love finding them here, so including it for others who like the details.

(55:38) Total Duration

(7:07) Warmup

(41:15) Workout

_____(2:40) Round 1

__________(1:10) Cardio Leg Blast 1: Pop Squats/Jump Ropes/Plyo Jacks

__________(1:30) Strength 1: Alternating Back Lunges

_____(2:45) Round 2

__________(1:21) Cardio Leg Blast 2: Touch Down Jacks/Split Jumps

__________(1:24) Strength 2: Plie Squats

_____(3:32) Round 3

__________(1:15) Cardio Leg Blast 3: Side Explosive Lunges

__________(2:17) Strength 3: Elevated Lunges

_____(3:25) Round 4

__________(1:41) Cardio Leg Blast 4: Frog Jumps Forward/Back/PliƩ Jacks

__________(1:44) Strength 4: Wide Stance Deadlifts

_____(2:43) Round 5

__________(1:24) Cardio Leg Blast 5: Plyo Jacks/Air Jacks

__________(1:19) Strength 5: Squats

_____(4:11) Round 6

__________(2:15) Cardio Leg Blast 6: Dixie Cup Lateral Skates

__________(1:56) Strength 6: Step Ups

_____(0:23) Rest Break - this is where Cedie lowers step to 8", down from from 10"

_____(3:10) Round 7

__________(1:10) Cardio Leg Blast 7: Power 7/Up Jack Down Jack

__________(2:00) Strength 7: Static Lunge

_____(3:51) Round 8

__________(2:10) Cardio Leg Blast 8: Fast Feet Shuffle/Jump Rope

__________(1:41) Strength 8: PliƩ Squat

_____(3:08) Round 9

__________(1:22) Cardio Leg Blast 9: (Right Lead Only) Jump Up on Step & Step Off/Straddle Up & Step Down

__________(1:46) Strength 9: Deadlift

_____(3:41) Round 10

__________(1:29) Cardio Leg Blast 10: (Left Lead Only) Jump Up on Step & Step Off/Straddle Up & Step Down

__________(2:12) Strength 10: Side Lunges

_____(3:40) Round 11

__________(1:53) Cardio Leg Blast 11: Step Knee Tap Down/Step Freeze

__________(1:47) Strength 11: Single Leg Deadlifts

_____(3:58) Round 12

__________(1:26) Cardio Leg Blast 12: L-Step Into Over Top of Step Six Times and Exit

__________(2:32) Strength 12: Alternating Front Lunges

(7:16) Stretch

NOTE: I have 23 separate entries in my database for this single disc - seriously good value! They are the main workout (breakdown above), the various premixes, & the bonus addons.

Instructor Review

Wonderful, as always.


A great circuit legs workout that alternates cardio segments, mostly plyometrics, with moderate-to-heavy weights sets. Cathe and a large background cast (Cedie, Jai, Marlo, Amanda and Brenda) are in the brick-walled gym setting. You'll need a step with three risers per side, dumbbells from 8-25# if you're matching Cathe, Dixie cups and a firewalker band. Note, the cups and band are each used once so it's not a big deal if you don't have them. Also, the 10" step is high for the cardio moves and you can go much lower for a less intense workout. The music is top-40 upbeat dance/pop hits, mostly vocals but with different lyrics than the "real" hit (copyright stuff, right?)

The cardio sections are split between the floor for the first half of the workout, and the step for the second half. Cathe always does the full-impact option but offers advice on taking down the impact and/or intensity. Her cueing is OK, not great, but usually slightly before the move rather than on the move so you can can keep up.

Everyone has good energy in this workout and just when you think you can't do any more reps, it's over. The pace, weights and step height definitely make this a high-intermediate, low-advanced workout.

Instructor Review

Cathe is very professional, demonstrates great form and cues well enough that you can master the workout by the second time through.


Overall, Xtrain was "meh" for me. Nothing too exciting. Kind of same old, is how I felt. Except for Cardio leg Blast. This one goes down in workout history for me. I love that it uses the step, incorporates heavier lower body with cardio in one fun filled package.

Melissa Pa

This is a lower body workout that alternates strength work with cardio moves for 12 rounds. (One cardio and one strength move make one round.) Heavy weights are used for the strength moves. The cardio is uses both the floor and the step. It is high intensity and a lot of impact. Here is a breakdown:

Round 1- pop squats/jump rope/plyo jacks

alternating reverse lunges

Round 2- touch down jacks/split jumps

plie squats

Round 3- side explosive lunges

elevated lunges

Round 4- frog jumps forward/back/plie jacks

wide stance deadlifts

Round 5- plyo jacks/air jacks


Round 6- dixie cup lateral skate

step ups

Round 7- power 7/up jack down jack

static lunge

Round 8- fast feet shuffle/jump rope

plie squats

Round 9- jump up on step & step off/straddle up and step down R lead


Round 10- jump up on step & step off/straddle up and step down L lead

side lunges

Round 11- step knee tap down/freeze

single leg deadlifts

Round 12- L-step into over top of step 6 times & exit

alternating front lunge (on step)

I rate this an advanced workout. It is high on the fun factor and is probably my favorite of the Xtrain series. I like that the cardio is not repeated, except for one exercise that is done first on one leg then the other. The strength moves are not repeated either except for plie squats. The variety really makes the workout go by. You will use various dumbbells, a step with 3 risers, firewalker band (on some of the cardio moves) and dixie cups (I used 2 lb dumbbells.)

The production value is high. Cathe and crew look great and have great form There are many premixes as well as bonus material on the disc. I like the music too.

Instructor Review

Cathe is fantastic as always. She is so professional. Her workouts are pretty much the gold standard for me.