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Walk Aerobics Advanced

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Stephanie B

COMMENTS ABOUT INSTRUCTOR: Leslie is a little more corny than in later videos. Again non-intimidating in her instruction.

COMMENTS ABOUT VIDEO: This is a nearly 29 minute long video with a 3.75 minute warm-up and no real cooldown, although at the end there is about 2 minutes of slower walking. I really like this video because it's more intense IMO than 2 Milk Walk (new one or older one) and very simple steps so that when you have toddlers around your legs you can still do the moves. The only drawback was the set was boring (not a big draw back) and I didn't care for the music as much as some other videos, but it's a keeper based on intensity and time saving alone.

Lorrie Gi

This video is a big white room with a banner in the back. The room is crowded full of men & women, mostly overweight and older. No body has workout clothes on, just her tee shirts as advertisement. The workout begins with out any stretches. After 5 minutes, I still didn't feel my heartrate go up. It does get better with some arm movements, then one lady who they put up front is off the whole time. The visual appeal to this tape, along with Leslie's laugh made me quit before I was through. I don't like seeing some lady off, it kind of reminds me of following someone in a car who has a blinker on and doesn't catch it. This may be a good tape for a "very beginner" but it is rated beg/int in Collage. If anything I said about this tape, would not bother you, then you may want to give it a try, but I give it D.

Instructor Review

This video was made in 1987 and she has the hair to go with it. Her laugh made me not even finish this workout. She jokes about some unsaid joke in her first video and won't tell it, saying "You have to get the 1st tape to hear the joke."