Wai Lana's Easy Series Relaxation Workout
Reviews from VideoFitness
First of all, this was billed as a yoga workout, and I didn't feel like it had much actual yoga in it, it was more about movement, rolling like a ball, holding your arms out and twisting your forearms first towards and then away from you in circles, etc.
The photography was very new-agey sometimes leaving Wai Lana and her mat sitting in the middle of the ocean. But the scenery sure was beautiful
I should have been, but wasn't prepared for her outfits. Yes, that's outfits plural. She changes outfits for every "pose" including her signature headband, wristbands, lei, and odd jumpsuit type thing. One of the outfits is a snow suit with little booties and gloves. It must have been a colder part of Hawaii for that pose.
I also had a little trouble understanding her accent. I can't really place it, but some words were impossible to distinguish (at least for me).
All in all, I didn't feel relaxed or worked when I finally gave up about 30 minutes in. I just couldn't take the outfit changing anymore, especially when each outfit seemed a little more horrendous than the one before.
I know there are those who enjoy her style, but I'm just not one of them. I prefer Erich Schiffmann, Baron Baptiste, even Alan Finger, which are easy to distinguish as yoga, where as Wai Lana's "workout" didn't even look like yoga.
I'm glad I didn't invest in any additional workouts by her.
I had trouble understanding her accent at times, and other than the odd clothing and make-up choices she does appear very serene and relaxed. Not my cup of tea though.