Ultra Fit
Reviews from VideoFitness
I previewed it this weekend and have to say it looks good! It is a bootcamp type workout IMO.
Cindy leads the workout with 4 other exercisers. Cindy and another lady show advanced options, 1 exerciser shows beginner, and 1 intermediate. They use a 4# med ball, dumbbells, jumprope, and a stability ball. Someone shows the moves using no props, or they suggest an alternative. They are working out on a back patio w/ a nice pool in the background. Its a very nice set. The workout is divided up into segments w/ a screen that comes up introducing the next segment. The dvd is chaptered.
Warmup Stretch: some cardio moves and some stretching get you started.
Cardio: First is various jump rope moves for one minute. She does some fancy stuff but says to do whatever you want. One guy doesnt use a rope at all. Then they pick up their medballs and do a jack while throwing the ball overhead, side to side squat, jump back and forth over the jumprope. She repeats the sequence a few times.
Shoulder Weights: Using dumbbells they do upright rows, overhead pulse, lateral raises and rotator cuffs. Repeat a few times.
Cardio: Blowouts (burpees), they jump back and forth with a med ball between their knees, quick feet, etc. Repeat a few times.
Biceps: With dumbbells, alternating bicep curls, both weights in one hand concentration curls, etc. Repeat a few times.
Cardio Toning: repeater legs to the side and back, flunges (scissor jumps), pushups, Mt. climbers, shuffle squats while putting down and picking up med ball , ab twists while holding med ball, side lunge-leg lifts. Repeat a few times.
Toning: All on the stability ball: (one modifier does the moves on the floor) frog leg lifts, flutter legs, shins on the ball-pulling legs in, crunches w/ med ball on chest, twists, dips off the ball with the med ball between knees (one modifier uses a stair, one on the floor), tricep extensions w/ the med ball. Then there are some side reaches not on the ball.
Cool Down Stretch: led by someone else.
I didnt do the workout but from watching I could see how you could get an pretty advanced workout: jumproping, blowouts, and alot of the cardio moves she did were real calorie burners. You could definately heavy up on the dumbbells and used a heavier med ball for the toning moves. The toning segments arent all that long though and it doesnt look like a lot of weighted lower body work. Another option I was thinking was that you could use medium/ light dumbbells and stick w/ the lighter med ball and use this for a cardio day.
I really like that there are 3 different modifiers so you really have your choice of what you want to do. I wish more workouts included both a beginner and an advanced modifier.
The more of Cindy's stuff I see, the more I wonder how much she had to do w/ planning the Barry's Bootcamp Fat Blaster set. ALL her stuff seems so similar to BBC, even her early w/o's. Some of the terminology and the moves are the same in BBC FB & many of Cindy's workouts.
At the beginning she talks about how she used to teach aerobics 2ce a day but weighed 40 lbs more because of her diet. A diet guide and cookbook were produced with the w/o.