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UFIT Ultra Burn: Stretch & Scuplt

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Reviews from VideoFitness


My VF Review from 9 Nov 2013:

Sculpt & Stretch (20 minutes):

* Begins with upper body stretch to plank, go back up, repeat

* In plank position, row with press up & go back down, change sides (I did the modified movement on knees with row - forward push - row - down - then change sides)

* Yoga stretch on knees - cat-cow stretch pose, sit back on heels, to downward dog, down to floor & repeat

* Push-up with rotation to arm up into side plank, down & switch sides (I did the modified knee version)

* Begin on knees - Extend one arm, opposite leg back pose - switch

* Standing - alternating arm pushes from side to side (legs stay still, focus on abs) - begins slowly then speeds upp

* Forward lunge with arms up & lower - left side - hold shoulders back & look up, come up, go back down (like warrior pose)

* Balancing on left leg with shoulder presses

* Forward lunge with arms up & lower - right side - hold shoulders back & look up, come up, go back down (like warrior pose)

* Balancing on right leg with shoulder presses

* Side stretch - right leg forward, left arm overhead - pull back, stretch further, repeat

* Tree pose right leg up with bicep curls on left side

* Side stretch - left leg forward, right arm overhead - pull back, stretch further, repeat

* Tree pose left leg up with bicep curls on right side

* Triangle pose left side, bring up a bit, go deeper with stretch, repeat

* Balance right leg, left leg back, triceps kick backs

* Triangle pose right side, bring up a bit, go deeper with stretch, repeat

* Balance left leg, right leg back, triceps kick backs

* On floor, rolling back and then up into sitting position with arms out, feet off floor; repeat

* Cool-down stretch: Legs crossed, right side stretch, switch

Overall thoughts on Sculpt & Stretch:

* I'm 50/50 on this one - I like the idea of alternating sculpting and stretching, but these just seemed to be an odd fit of moves sometimes. For example, the tree pose with bicep curls - I felt really off-balance, and I don't usually have issues with tree pose.

* I think it's probably just a personal preference, but I enjoy slower, calmer music when stretching, especially when it's for yoga poses. The yoga poses had really fast-paced rhythms which don't really allow you to focus on getting a deep stretch. For example, triangle pose had a fast-paced techno-y song that kept saying 'push-it' over & over again.

* There was a lot of picking up weights, putting them down, picking them up again movements which made me dizzy.

* The clicking really annoyed me in this one, probably because you don't expect to hear 10 seconds of it when doing yoga poses.

* I'm sure I'll do this one again, but I'll probably turn the sound off.