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T-Tapp: Instructional #1

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Carol P

This one is filmed in a ballroom at the Biltmore hotel in Florida. She has many background exercisers, ranging in age and fitness level. Keep you eyes on Teresa and you'll be fine.

It's about a half hour long and is comprised of the first half of Total Workout. The moves are found in Teresa's book "Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes". There is no music for a good reason. This is meant to INSTRUCT you so you can move on to other T-Tapp workouts and get the full benefit.

If you're familiar with T-Tapp you already know form is crucial to the program's success. Shoulders back, butt tucked, stomach in, knee to little toe, no big toe. In four weeks of T-Tapp I lost nineteen and a half inches.

The workout moves slowly, but each move is broken down so you can really get the form down right. If you're new to T-Tapp I would recommend starting with this one first.

T-Tapp is isometic contraction as opposed to isotonic. The muscle is worked at both insertion sites, resulting in lean muscles as opposed to bulky ones. Because we contract five to seven muscle groups at once (assuming you're paying attention to form), we work harder. It's also designed to be rehabilitative. Your aching joints will improve quickly!

Instructional #1 can be combined with Instructional #2 for a full body workout, or it can stand alone.