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Super Abs

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Reviews from VideoFitness


Definitely not for the beginner. Although the set and music are corny, I have to say that this is one of the toughest and most effective ab videos that I have ever done.

There are very good instructional portions at the beginning and end of the video where Dr. Kravitz discusses what exercises work and don't work the abs along with proper form. A warm-up starts the workout followed by two long ab segments.

Both segments are advanced in my opinion and the second segment focuses mainly on highly controlled supersets. Throughout both segments, the abs are worked pretty much continuously without rest for a more effective workout. Dr. Kravitz includes both traditional and some unique untraditional exercises. For example, there is one portion in the first segment where Dr. Kravitz has you cross one leg over your knee as if you were going to do an oblique twist, but instead he has you do reverse crunches with this form - tough!

I particularly like that Dr. Kravitz also works the opposing muscles of the lower back. I see so few videos that focus on this very important area. There are also excellent stretching portions in the video. The only thing I am puzzled about is why he threw in some push-ups in between working the lower back and starting your next set of ab work.

I have gotten great results with this video and give it an "A".

Instructor Review

Len Kravitz is a very good cuer and very specifically discusses and demonstrates proper form before and during the exercise portion of the video. He's a little "high-strung" and sounds like Roger Rabbit, but you get used to it after a while. Pubbblease - don't let that stop you from trying out his video.

Doreen B

This tape consists of 2 workouts. The first one is about 25 minutes long and consists of very controlled moves and a lot of instruction by Len about what muscles are working. He also includes some back exercises which are pretty basic. I like all his moves several of which are so effective that I wonder why I haven't seen them before on anyone else's video. Some of them resemble Keli Roberts Ab work, but I like these better. I like how he pairs sets of exercises together. The second workout contains even more paired exercises. I have done lots of ab workouts and this whole video is certainly the hardest and best that I have ever done and I recommend it to everyone. The only thing that might bother some people is that a lot of the exercises are done without your hands supporting your neck, but you can certainly modify that. Instructor comments: The first time I did this tape I was not wild about Len's style, he seemed too gushy and a little weird. But now I don't mind him at all.