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Step Heat

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Reviews from VideoFitness


Nobody has given a breakdown so:

(57:17) Total Duration

(7:18) Warmup

(34:54) Workout

_____(18:43) Step Section 1

_____(6:55) Combo 1 (Finished Product)

_____(6:07) Step Section 2

_____(3:09) Combo 2 (Finished Product)

(5:39) Cooldown

(1:38) Stretch

(8:01) Abs

Me: 59, 4'10", so step height very relevant.

Solid intermediate, maybe low-advanced?

Did this on 6". Cathe & team are on 8", so should have gone with that in hindsight as heart rate didn't go over 120. Noted for next time in my log.

When this was a new release, complex step hadn't reached its peak. Nowadays, however, it's a different story. I found find myself getting a tad bored due to the repetition in the stepping and even moreso during the abs. Speaking of which - nothing particularly challenging, just lots of crunches: standard, pulsing, twisted, reverse, and double.

Will absolutely do this again. It wasn't THAT boring, but at the 8", my focus would be on a solid cardio workout without the risk of tripping due to complex footwork.

Found myself watching Cedie more, to enjoy her attention to detail with arm movements, down to how she holds her hands. LOVE seeing her in the team. :)

Instructor Review

Cathe can be relied upon to have good cueing, apart from a glitch at one point (mentioned in another review) and she has since cut out the "Looks HOT!" style comments that occur a few times in this one.


Again I see why this is one of the favorite videos. I love the combos in this video and I love how everything flows. I love this video. I WISH Cathe made more videos like that. I swear I would swipe them all up. Smooth combos, intense impact, simple moves. Step Heat and Step Max are awesome videos. This tape will have you moving and having fun getting in shape and working your heart. I love her personality. I can honestly say that I can feel the fat being blasted away when I do this video. Love it, love it, love it! Another A+ for Cathe.

Instructor Review

Again Cathe is wonderful and she looks fantastic. I love the black and white leotards they wear in this video.

Debbie K

This is the third tape by Cathe Friedrich that I've bought. Idon't find it as intense as "Mega Step" or "Step Max",but it's still a good workout. As usual, the music is good, the choreographyis creative, and Cathe's cuing is superb. This tape has 2 segments instead of the usual 3. The first segment is somewhat long - about 25 minutes, then a heart check, then back for another 10 minutes. No leg/bun blaster segment on this one. There is a killer ab workout at the end.


Wow! What a workout! If you want to be challenged this is the tape that will do it. The tape consists of a fun warm up, 2 step segments, a cool down/stretch and ending with a short but intense ab workout. The first step segment is about 25 minutes long very fast paced with non stop combos. The movements are not too dancy or complex but they are different and Cathe doesn't really slow down to teach each combo. The second segment is also filled withnon stop, interesting combos. Thank goodness this segmentonly lasts about 10 minutes. The cool down is somewhat longand funky (about 11 min) but fun . The ab segment is veryshort, about 7 min. but very intense . This is the first Cathe Friedrich tape I have ever used but she is definetly on my list of favorite instructors! it only lasts about 10 minutes. ten minutes long are not to dancy or complex but very creative

Angela P

I have only recently gotten this tape, but I really like it. There are two step sections (about 30 min total I think) and an ab section at the end. The step sections are a little catchy at first, but I was able to get the first part down on only my second time thru.

IMO this video is a lot of fun.


This tape is very similar to Step Max in structure and choreography, except that instead of the super tough 3rd section ofstep aerobics, Step Heat has a tough abdominal section. Since I love StepMax so much, Step Heat suffers a little by comparison, but I still enjoy it tremendously. Its second section, a long combo, is particularly good.

The music is generally very good, except for one or two of the songs which annoy me, and during which Cathe happens to be doing her least interesting choreography. Then the music and the steps change, however, and I'm having a blast again. I do this tape on days when I want a solid advanced workout, but I don't have enough energy for Step Max or PowerMax.

Lisa He

This is the first video I purchased from Cathe Friedrich's many. For people that want a workout most like the one they would get from a nearby gym, but don't feel like leaving the house, this video is for you.

The warm up is choreographed enough to not be boring. Stretching of most major muscle groups are incorporated. The biggest complaint I have about this section of the tape is that you don't properly stretch the hip flexor, whic is so important when doing step aerobics, especially with power moves and knee lifts. The aerobics segment keeps you moving with L-steps and T- steps as well as basic steps with the spice in the hand/arm motions. While most of the moves are shown eventually with power, beginners and those that prefer low impact aerobics can take cue from the steps shown at the beginning of the combinations and can keep it there and modify moves to a point where you feel comfortable. The cool down could have and should have more stretching (holding them for at least 10 seconds). I love the ab segment!!

Cathe sometimes just went into moves and the cueing seemed late(once it was wrong on the lead leg) but after you do the video one time, you'll be better able to catch it. You'll know what is going to come next. She has a great personality for instructing: she's fun and encouraging, without being annoying.

This breakdown of warm-up(w/stretch), aerobics, cooldown, and abs is a great format. This video made the time fly.

Kristin A

While this is not my favorite Cathe Friedrich tape, I took it out the other day after a long hiatus and had a great time! Step Heat is a bit less intense than other Cathe tapes (such as Power Max, Step Works, MIC and of course Interval Max), but it is still an excellent cardio workout. The two step sections, 25 minutes and 10 minutes respectively, will keep you challenged. This is a great introduction to Cathe's tapes for those wanting to try one, since the intensity is advanced but not killer, and the choreography is a bit simpler than other tapes (but still fun and interesting). This is the tape on which Cathe originated the "heel, toe, diagonal hop turn, jack" step that has been repeated on other more recent tapes. The cool down is fun and a bit funky, and there is a brief but effective ab section (5 minutes) at the end of the workout. This is a great choice, as others have said, if you want a good but not killer, cardio workout with abs that you can do in one hour.

Instructor Review

Cathe's cueing is very good in this 1995 tape. Not *as* good as it is in her more recent tapes, but still better than just about any other instructor out there. Being an earlier tape, I noticed a little more whooping than in her more recent tapes, but for me it was not so much that it was distracting or annoying.

Jen Bl

As an instructor myself, I have a mild dilemma when it comes to videos. On one hand, I like to get videos with choreography I can take into my own classes. However, if I've learned the chorography well enough to teach it myself, I loose all desire to do the tape.

I did Step Heat once, then watched parts of it while taking notes, then took almost the whole first step section into my own class yesterday. It worked very well for this ... simple moves, but interesting and intense.

However, the price to pay is that I will probably never do Step Heat again because I now have most of the chorography memorized and I'll get bored. Ah well.

As far as the tape itself, I found it very similar to Step Max, except that, thank goodness, Cathe does not keep saying, "Cool!" every couple minutes.

Instructor Review

Any instructor would do well to watch Cathe's tapes and watch a master at work.

Christine S

This was the second Cathe Friedrich video I bought (the wedding tape was the first), and I loved it right away. Now that I have her complete collection, I have to say that it's taken a backseat to StepMax and PowerMax, but I still love it. It is shorter than the usual Cathe tape; I do it on Sunday mornings when I want to take it a little easier, or on a day when I want a good workout but don't have a lot of extra time.

The first section is relatively basic, but still fun and definitely more complex than your average step tape. Most of the moves are done facing the front, although she does a few hop turns and box steps. The second section is more fun; it's a short section consisting of a long combo (with power straddles and a particularly fun "heel-toe, diagonal turn over, jumping jack" series). Seriously intense ab section at the end.

Overall, this workout is fun, dancy and enjoyable.

Christine S

A great workout, even though it is somewhat shorter and less complex than her other videos. The moves are high energy and dancy, and lots of fun. Terrific ab section at the end.

Melissa F

Step Heat is a tape I do if I want to get in a solid half hour of cardio, and still get abs thrown in. The tape as a whole isn't any shorter than most of Cathe's tapes, but the cardio is shorter so I can get it all in (cardio & abs) in an hour. The first step section is 25 minutes long, but to me, is one of Cathe's more basic sections. It's NOT basic stepping, but it's not as complex as a lot of Cathe's stepping. The second section is about 10 minutes long, but a LOT more fun. I really enjoy the second section. There's a funky cooldown, followed by a stretch. Then comes the ab section which is short but intense. All those pulses the last couple of minutes gets me every time! Step Heat isn't my favorite Cathe tape, but it's a good solid workout.

Instructor Review

What can I say that hasn't been said before?! Cathe's cuing is great, and she's fun, motivating instructor.

Mandy Lee

There is one thing about this video that is different from all Cathe's other ones. You step with her for a solid 26 minutes without pulse checks ect. That is one thing I really like about this video. In her other ones. You step for 12-14 minutes and get all sweaty with them and then the camera stops and then the next thing you know they aren't sweaty anymore in the next step sections( usually 2 or 3 step sections altogether). I like the fact in STep Heat that you are stepping and sweating away with them like a real step class. Then after the 26min, you do a pulse check and are back to some more complex tricky stepping for 10min. Of course they aren't sweaty anymore after the pulse check but it was fun stepping for a longer period of time at the beginning without a break.

There are so many fun step moves. I love the hop turns and then with your back facing away from the TV your do knee up's with a hop . Then you hop turn back to the front. My favorite move in the second step segment is the horshoe move into a straddle and then you hop up on the bench twice. There is also a fun move where you walk the plank type move and then do some alternating lunges.

The cool down is fun too using the step. Then there is a tough ab section ( 7min) that is sure to work for you. After this is 2 min of stretches on the floor.

I love this tape! It is shorter than her other ones but it's nice because then you can do some other toning tape with it on the same day.

Cathe makes this workout fun by giving excellent cueing and fun upbeat music. She constantly challenges you with a new step combination to keep you from being bored.


I only have a few Cathe videos and this one is my favorite. I liked Mega Step Blast, but never really "got into" that video. While I don't like really complex cheorography, I do like how Cathe has several different progressions of moves through this tape, but they never get too complex. There is just enough variety to keep it interesting, but nothing too hard. I got through this video the first time without getting "messed up."

The only complaint I have is I don't like the long warm up and the still high intensity cool down. The cool down still feels like part of the workout to me. I also think there was a little too much whopping in this video and Cathe saying, "Hot move."

Overall, I really enjoy this video and it is a good "hard" workout that I like having in my collection.

Annie S

This is a fairly fun workout, but I have determined that I am just not destined to join the ranks of the Cathe F followers. While this is very good intensity-wise, I don't think it's as much fun as many of the other step workouts I have. I much prefer Kari Anderson, Patrick Goudeau, and some others.

Cathe has some excellent moves, but they just don't seem to "flow" from one to the other. On this tape, the choreography is intermediate level, but you will need to be fast. Moves I really liked included where you do some T-steps off the back of the step and then step up on the step with a couple of knee lifts, then move into lunges. There is also an explosion-type move where you do 7 arabesque-repeaters, with the last 3 done with power. Those probably aren't very meaningful descriptions, but maybe someone will know what I'm talking about!

Despite having some very good choreography, I still don't like the workout enough to keep it. I've done it 3 times now, and although I get a very good cardio workout, I just don't enjoy it as much as with my other tapes.