Sattva Fitness: 30 Minute Yoga Practice
Reviews from VideoFitness
Personal Background:
I'm a relative yoga novice, but I'm intermediate/advanced in cardio and intermediate in strength. I am able to do intermediate yoga routines with ease, but I'm hesitant to do a yoga dvd review since I'm not so knowledgeable when it comes to yoga. But since there were no other reviews for this dvd, I thought I'd give it a try.
There are not a lot of descriptions on this dvd, so I'd say it's not for a complete beginner. The poses are not hard to do at all though, so adv/beg on up can do this dvd with no problems- except that the dvd is kind of odd? he varies things in a way that you kind of have to pay attention ? he doesn't approach the asana series in a completely typical way?
The 30 minute practice isn't exactly jam-packed with asanas? nor is there equal time spent on each one. There is one guy who performs all the exercises in a dimly lit studio. Here is the pose selection menu:
1. Pranayama - standing deep breathing
2. Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutation
3. Half Moon
4. Cobra
5. Forward Bend
6. Plack or Table pose
7. Spinal twist
8. Breath of Fire
9. Savasana
As you can see, it's an interesting mix between breathing and mediation exercises and asanas. For this reason, it's kind of hard for me to classify. The website compared it with Birkam yoga, but I haven?t tried Birkam, so I wouldn't know. Essentially, this workout focuses on the flexibility of the spine. It is not really meant to be a full out yoga practice as he describes it as a sort of "daily dose of yoga" program. It's not that strenuous, but it's also not particularly relaxing (because parts of it are strenuous and because it doesn't flow together well). It's a good sort of rejuvenating or energizing workout, and I find that I like it best when I do it in the morning.
I like this dvd, but things to keep in mind are:
1. I like a variety of yoga workouts - even if they're all not the best
2. I'm a Spanish grad student, so for my quirky side, it's cool that this dvd has an authentic Spanish language option.
3. It's one of those yoga routines that I can do whenever ? because since it's more like a daily dose of yoga than a workout, it's a great yoga option if I'm pooped from other workouts.
I have only listened to the Spanish version (with Salvador Castillo narrating). He is nice and soothing.