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RevAbs Full Throttle Abs

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This is from the RevAbs deluxe series, and is a 43 min. resistance (mostly ab focused) & cardio (athletic & capoiera) workout. There are 4 rounds w/ the same exercises (basic set has only 3 rounds), and the subsequent rounds have variations on some of the rep schemes, pace & modifications to increase the intensity & mix it up. The last round, called the "spice round" has the more challenging variations on the exercises.

There are 2 background exercisers, with one demoing low impact/intensity modifications.

Equipment: dumbbells & mat

Set & music: same simple & neat set, and canned musics from basic set is used.

I think that the resistance workouts are the best of the RevAbs workout. This workout has some different exercises, in the warm-up, cool-down, cardio & resistance from the basic set, rep schemes were varied, so it had a different feel from the others (but sequenced similarly w/ repeating rounds). I liked the variations in each round, and the workouts can be modified for time constraints (just complete 1-2 rounds for a short or light day workout) or for more intensity, perform all round w/ the Spice round variations.


March w/ alternating knee lifts> add more power (high knee skipping)

Jumping jacks (quarter turn to face four directions, 4 reps all sides, 1st round turning to the right, 2nd round turning to the left, 8 reps front, 4 reps all other sides> 8 reps front.

Heel kicks (butt kickers)> add ballistic arms (open & close in front of body)

Toe taps: alternating, to the front.

Arm swings: to the front, then the back.

Booty time: 60 sec. isometric hold in lowered position of squat

Round 1

Dumbbell Crunch (w/ leg drop): 4 count exercise. Lie supine & face-up on floor w/ dumbbells held above chest, both legs are raised in the air (hips bent at 90 degrees). Upper body crunches first w/ arms moving forward (chin tucks, shoulders & neck come off of floor), isometric hold, followed by the leg drop (lowering of legs to floor), legs return to starting position, then upper body, 10 reps. modification: one leg has bent knee & foot flat on floor, other leg performs single leg drop.

Bent-over row: single arm, 5 reps per side. Cued for heavy weight due to low reps.

Jackknife (twisting): start w/ body supine on floor>lower body, middle & lower back are on the floor w/ arms to side of body> lift straight legs & torso up to form V w/ body, upper body rotates(twists) w/ opposite arm reach over leg (side of foot), lower into starting position, 10 reps total, alternating sides. Modification: knees are bent.

Run Turns: run in place, facing all four directions (like in jumping jack sequence).

Mercy (active rest): Balanca: legs in lowered squat position/bent knees, alternate shifting from side to side. Elbows are bent w/ arms held horizontally in front of body, and w/ hands facing each other, bottom hand palm up, upper hand is palm down. With each side shift, the hands change (bottom hand moves to top & top moves to bottom)>side step w/ alternating arm sweep.

Ginga: rear lunge, low squat, rear lunge w/single arm/elbow cross in front of body. Introduces the "Rev Zone," one cast member is off to the side, performing the exercise w/ max intensity and an extra 10 seconds of work.

Rev Anthem: talk test w/ hand gestures.

Mercy (rest): water break

Round 2

Dumbbell Crunch (w/ leg drop): Upper body crunches first w/ arms moving forward (chin tucks, shoulders & neck come off of floor), isometric hold> followed by the leg drop & arms lowering to the back (next to the ears), legs & upper body return to starting position, 10 reps. Modification: alternating single leg drop.

Bent-over row

Jackknife (twisting): Background exercisers switch who will demo the modified exercise. Modification: single leg lifts off of floor.

Run Turns

Mercy: Balanca>side step w/ alternating arm sweep.

Ginga: Brett performs in the Rev Zone.

Rev Anthem

Mercy: water break> balanca>ginga

Round 3

Dumbbell Crunch (w/ leg drop)

Bent-over row

Jackknife (twisting): Background exercisers switch who will demo the modified exercise. Modification: single leg lifts off of floor.

Run Turns

Mercy (active rest): Side step w/ alternating arm sweep> Balanca> bob & weave w/ alternating crosses to the side>balanca> Side step w/ alternating arm sweep.

Ginga: other cast member (Shalene) is in the Rev Zone

Rev Anthem: talk test w/ hand gestures.

Mercy: water break> Side step w/ alternating arm sweep>balanca>ginga

Round 4/Spice

Dumbbell Crunch (w/ leg drop): feet are turned out the entire time.

Bent-over row: non-working hand is held to side to engage the abs (vs. resting on thigh).

Jackknife (twisting): reach for tips of toes w/ hand.

Run Turns

Mercy (active rest): Side step w/ alternating arm sweep> Balanca.

Ginga: add arm sweep, fingers touch floor. Brett is in the Rev Zone

Rev Anthem


Side step w/ alternating arm sweep> Balanca> side steps w/ tap> Side step w/ alternating arm sweep.

Low lunge (knee on floor): same side elbow rests inside of knee> hip flexor stretch w/ opposite arm overhead> hip extensor/abductor stretch (both legs bent to 90 degrees, one in front, other in back, hinge at hips)> calf stretch (one straight leg extended, other has bent knee w/ shin & foot resting on floor, sitting into it, arms to side for balance)> quad stretch> repeat sequence on other side> stand up w/ arms overhead.

Instructor Review

Brett provides good form pointers & instruction w/ Tony Horton-like goofiness.