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Quick Fix Total Mix Core Abs

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Peggy T

Quick Fix Total Mix Core Abs

Type: Abs and core

Set: varies

Background exercisers: two

Music: I did not notice music

This is a great little DVD! It is a “compilation” DVD in that is has gleaned nine different workouts from various Quick Fix workouts. There is a workout blender where you choose from 1-3 workouts, as well as a randomization feature.

Here are the nine workouts:

TOTAL ABS: Led by Keli Roberts, this is done entirely on the ball.


Bridge work, including iso pulses

Oblique crunches

Crunches with alternating leg raises

Supermans, including some with an oblique twist



PILATES STABILIZATION: Instructor was not familiar and it doesn’t say on the DVD case

Pelvic Curl

The Hundred


Single Leg Circles

Single Leg Stretch


Double Leg Stretch

Spine Stretch

CORE COMBINATIONS: Instructor - Keli Roberts, from QF Pilates for Abs DVD

This was one of my favorites from the Pilates for Abs DVD.

Crunch with arm to the side to work obliques

Spine Stretch


Single Leg Stretch


Double Leg Stretch

Single Leg Scissors

Rolling Like A Ball

Superman (swimming move)

Alternate Arm/Leg while on all fours, with leg sweep to the side

Prone while lifting upper body and arms out like situps, but with hands on forehead.

YOGA FLEX - this was a nice, short yoga routine, but I wouldn’t classify it as having a core focus. I doubt I’d ever do this one.

YOGA STABILITY This yoga segment was very core focused. Here’s the breakdown:

Standing on knees, hands behind back, bend torso forward. Extend hands over head and straighten up

On all fours, alternate arm/leg raise

In pushup position, bring one leg to chest, then extend out back.

Slow pushup to cobra, then lift both legs

Lying prone, lift chest and arms, then legs

Superman to child’s pose, stretch, then down dog

Sitting with legs extended, lift up butt, keeping body straight

Boat pose, moving arms to one side and then the other

Sit crosslegged, and lift butt and legs off floor.

Lying supine, legs straight up, curl upper body

Lower legs to 3” from floor and hold

Lie supine, legs bent, roll hips side to side, first with legs bent, then extended



This is a GREAT ball workout for abs!!

Sitting on ball, do hip circles, then move hips forward and back


Bridge, raise and lower hips

Oblique twists

Curl with alternate leg raise

Supine on ball, raise and lower alternate arm and leg

Lie prone on ball, lift torso, then twist side to side

Plank position, then lift both legs and lower torso to ground, then up to pike (yowza)

Prone on ball, raise and lower alternate arm and leg

Elbows on ball, roll fwd with knees bent, then into straight leg plank


Very cute funky low impact dance routine. Not sure why it is on an abs tape.


Warning: the workout outfits are HIDEOUS. Black and banana two tone ugliness. Ugh!

The workout looks fun, with lots of bob and weaves, oblique twists and crunches, punches, blocks, squats, front and side kicks, knee ups. Constantly moving.


As she says, this has “a bit of kickboxing flavah”.

The warmup starts with hip smimmies, then an arm move like you are cross country skiing, but without moving your legs

Front blocks

Front Cross (punch, slow then fast)

Knee lift then extend leg. Slow, then fast

Leg lift to the rear

Bob & weave


All in all, this DVD delivers good variety, tho some of the segments are questionable for an abs/core tape. Grade B+

Instructor Review

Keli is superb. The other istructors are also very good.