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Prevention: Shorcuts to Big Weight Loss

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This was an interesting workout that veered between beginnerish and moments of rather tough intensity. For the most part, though, it was not overly challenging for this advanced exerciser.

Cardio Sculpt: Aerobic weight training reminiscent of some of the old Firms. I can actually see where the 3-lb weights are a good choice here (unlike in the Womens'Health where the 3-lbs were way too light). You do patterned reps, building up to a full combination. Moves include four step taps with standing chest press to either side; side-to-side plies with upright row plus step touches with side lateral lifts; four knee-ups with shoulder press, then step touch back with tricep curls.

With so many patterns of compound moves put together, it felt a little awkward trying to executive them, like remembering a complex choreo combo. But it had a good overall AWT effect.

Kickbox: Chris does reasonably well with this, though she's not up to the level of Janis Saffell/Quick Fix kickbox. Again you build up a combination, with three jabs plus cross punch, then back knee plus front kick. It's an ok intermediate-level kickbox 10-minutes.

Pilates: Pleasant 10 minutes of roll ups, side leg circles and lifts, and tricep pushups. Not particularly challenging for anyone who has much experience in Pilates.

The standard whitish Prevention stage with two stylish young backgrounders and the generic music.

Instructor Review

Charismatic in a Kathy Smith sort of way without the occasional over-the-top hyperness. Competent cuer.