Pick Your Level Fat To Firm
Reviews from VideoFitness
This 44 minute workout is similar to Prevention’s “Walk Your Way Slim” because of the levels of intensities. In this workout you are afforded the ability to work at a beginner, intermediate or advanced level. Most workouts don’t have this ability and you have to either modify or intensify. This workout is also similar to Anni Mairs “Core Force” or “Life Force” due to using light weights and having cardio segments intermixed.
Michelle Dozois does an excellent job cueing. Not only does she tell you what is coming next, she also reminds you to use proper form and which weights to pick up for each circuit. The camera angles are always good to view each level exerciser.
“Fat To Firm” consists of four short circuit workouts. The circuits make the most of every minute by using multi-muscle group exercises, targeted toning and easy to follow mini cardio segments. The use of light weights 3-10 pounds is required for maximum benefits of this workout.
This DVD is chaptered so you can pick any segment you want from warm up to cool down. Or just play the whole workout.
This workout is quite enjoyable and tough at the same time. It is a very efficient workout. I like that you can get upper body, lower body, core and cardio all done in 44 minutes. The time goes by quickly without any dread factor. Michelle has a very friendly demeanor which encourages you to stick with it and do some advanced level moves.
Michelle is a very enthusiastic instructor. She has a very friendly demeanor.