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P90X+: Interval X Plus

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Release Year

Reviews from VideoFitness

Dawn H

Warm up - 5:25

Run in Place - 1:00

Knee Kick, Front Kick (R) - :31

Knee Kick, Front Kick (L) - :31

Hop Squats - 1:00

Charleston Kick (R) - :31

Charleston Kick (L) - :30

Loading Dock (R) - :34

Loading Dock (L) - :32

Jockey Squats - 1:00

Tires - 1:03

Speed Skaters - 1:00

3 count push ups - 1:05

80/20 squats (R) - :30

80/20 Squats (L) - :30

Side Lunge, Side Kick (R) - :30

Side Lunge, Side Kick (L) - :30

Deep Jack Seats - 1:00

Plyo Lunge - 1:00

Jacks - 1:02

Carlito 3-way Push ups - 1:01

Water Break - 1:05

Repeat the entire sequence backwards starting with the Carlito 3-way push ups

Cooldown - 3:20

Instructor Review

Tony is a great instructor. He jokes around but not over the top in these workouts. The background exercisers are Tracy M. who is a December 2004 Success Story and Mark Briggs who is a 2003 Success Story who won a trip to Hawaii.