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One On One: Volume 2 #3 - Patience Hummingbird

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This One On One workout is Volume 2, Disc 3

Workout time: 35 minutes

3 ohms

Breathing in mountain pose

Forward fold, wide leg forward fold, take one arm up and twist

Squat and take both arms forward

Tripod stretch

Forward fold, plank, down dog, walk the dog

Plank, hold at the bottom, up dog, down dog

3 legged dog, runners stretch, crescent, repeat other side

Vinyasa, warrior 1 both sides, vinyasa, chair, vinyasa

Warrior 2 both sides, vinyasa

Reverse warrior, triangle, half moon, repeat other side

Vinyasa, cat-cow, balancing table, puppy dog

Side plank, forward fold, mountain pose

Janu sirsasana

Bridge, lying spinal twist, savasana

I believe this practice was originally just called Patience, but Tony sees a hummingbird outside the window and points it out to Mason, who moves the camera in that direction. This is actually a very nice practice.

Instructor Review

Tony is more subdued than usual in this one, but then he usually is when doing yoga.