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Nutrabody Workout

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Lorrie Gi

This video is a beginner/intermediate level, but I bought it because I sprained my ankle and needed something with basic choreography to do. I'm at a intermediate level, but prefer int/adv level videos for weights. The cardio section of Gay's tape had a man doing a harder version than what Gay was doing, so I followed him. Gay cued before the move, and was easy to follow. Only a few times they showed the man, without showing his feet, that it wasn't as clear, but they went back to both of them, so it wasn't a problem. I liked the athletic moves & music. Both sections are half an hour each.

The best thing about the video was the music. I really liked it; it was similar to Gay's Sten N Stones videos music. I prefered the music to the toning half. Almost every body part had an exertube exercise, with dumbells in addtion to, except for the squats, lunges, and abs. The chest had pec flies and a standing bench press with the tubing, then pushups. There were lat rows and a tubing exercise for the back. For the biceps there was a tubing exercise, then hammercurls and another twist at doing the biceps with weights. Also tubing for the triceps & kickbacks with weights. The shoulders were worked once with the tubing, then frontal and lateral lifts. For a short workout, Gay really fit in alot, but it didn't challenge me. I did feel a burn on the biceps & shoulders, but not really anything else, due to I usually do much harder weight tapes.

All in all, it is one of the best Gay Gasper tapes I've seen. I wish this was out when I was new to exercise videos, because I would have gotten more use out of it, than just healing from an injury. I've traded it on the exchange.