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The New LI Teknique

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This is an unusual workout. LI Teknique is a no-impact style of movement that would be perfect for older exercisers or exercise novices. What makes it unique is its emphasis on balance and simple patterns. Some of the moves are lateral, gliding to one side with a gentle cross step, balancing on one leg, then gliding back to the other side, other patterns move forward and back. The higher intensity section includes more arm movements and some kicks. The balancing leg moves develop muscle strength in the trunk and supporting muscles as well as in the supporting leg--you are often standing on one leg and gently bending your knee to raise and lower your body.

There aren't many steps, and they're all very easy to learn. For those who get intimidated by learning a lot of steps, this video isn't scary at all. Those who prefer a more challenging workout, on the other hand, are likely to find that doing the same basic patterns over and over gets pretty repetitive. For it's target audience, though, it's one of the longer workouts in the novice category.

The stretch section is very thorough, the stretches are held longer than in most videos, and Joan assumes more limited flexibility and shows lots of modifications.

Joan herself is friendly and quite inspiring. I believe she was about 50 years old when the video was filmed, and earlier in life she was in two very serious accidents which permanently affected her strength in one leg--she warns you that she tends to wobble on some moves. One of her class participants is over 70 years old, demonstrating the workout's accessibility to those of all ages.

All in all, this is a safe and easy workout for novices. Younger exercisers may not find it very exciting, and the music gets quite repetitive, but this would be a good video to recommend to an older friend or family member to help them increase their mobility, flexibility, and balance.

More information about this video can be found at Joan Price's web site: