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Low Impact Series: Total Body Trisets

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Peggy T

This workout has already been broken down nicely, so I will add some insights.

Me: middle aged intermediate exerciser. I do most of my weight workouts at the gym and prefer gym style workouts. That said, the lower body workout kicked my ASS! I lift very heavy at the gym (twice my body weight for the seated leg press, for example) but the Dixie cup moves made me sore for FOUR DAYS. I did not have Dixie cups, so I just touched the floor instead. MAN. I will do this workout the days I choose not to go to the gym, and also because I clearly need to mix things up.

The upper body workout was just too much this + that for my taste. I prefer to just work the muscle and go heavy and not do it while in a plank, for example. I did the upper body premix and there was a lot of chest work compared to everything else, in my opinion. It was a solid intermediate workout that I will likely not do again.

Instructor Review

Cathe is professional as usual.


Total Body Tri-Sets

This strength workout includes a variety of options for upper, lower or total body workouts. It is reminiscent of Cathe's Body Blast Supersets/Push-Pull and well as the Upper Body portion of Body Max 2, but it also has new moves. There are both traditional moves (eg. standing bicep curls, concentration curls)and some new twists to add balance work.

The all instrumental music sounds like *simulated* electric guitar. For the most part I barely noticed it, but those who want good music may not like this.

I had some extra time on the day I first did this workout, and I did Lower (first) and Upper back to back. I didn't go as heavy as Cathe, but I felt good and worked out by the end of this 1 1/2 hour (or so) strength session.

I liked the balance emphasis of the upper body work and the glute emphasis of the lower body work. I found the dixie cup moves to be especially fun and effective -- I actually ended up using my 1/2 pound Billy Balls because I forgot to get Dixie cups, but these worked great.


Lower Body Split = 39 mins

Upper Body Split (includes Core) = 56 mins

Total Body = 86 mins

Total Body Express = 49 mins

Upper Body Express = 19 mins

Lower Body Express = 23 mins

Lower body JFO (joint friendly options)=38 mins

Total Body Scrambled Express = 48 mins

Chest/Shoulders/Triceps = 30 mins

Back/Biceps/Core = 34 mins

Note: the warm up and cool down are the same for the Upper Body and Lower Body Tri-sets

+Upper Body Tri-Sets

Equipment: Dumbbells - Cathe uses 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 lbs; Stability Ball



Upper Body Tri-Set #1

Chest: walking plank pushups

Shoulders: shoulder press on stability ball

Triceps: lying extensions on stability ball

*[note: I did all walking planks without the push-ups, as I felt it more in my core that way and it was easier on the wrists.]

Upper Body Tri-Set #2

Chest: leg cross-over pushups

Shoulders: shoulder arc on stability ball

Triceps: plank kickbacks

Upper Body Tri-Set #3

Chest: alternating dumbbell chest flys on stability ball

Shoulders: external rotations with lateral raises

Triceps: dive bombers

Repeat each set

Back/Biceps/ Core

Back, Biceps, Core Tri-Set #1

Back: one arm rows, leaning on stability ball, with back leg raise

Biceps: incline curls on stability ball

Core: stability ball (back leaning) crunches, can add weight

Back, Biceps, Core Tri-Set #2

Back: dumbbell pullovers on stability ball

Biceps: simultaneous bi-cep curls (standing)

[Note: I did these on a BOSU to increase balance challenge]

Core: lying stability ball exchange between arms and legs

Back, Biceps, Core Tri-Set #3

Back: rear delt flys seated on stability ball

Biceps: concentration curls on stability ball

Core: lower ab crunches resisting with stability ball on shins

Repeat each set



Equipment: Dumbbells - Cathe uses 5, 15, 20 lbs; Stability Ball; Dixie Cups (or any small objects that can be picked up and put down quickly); High Step + 4 risers (I actually used 5 risers and I found the pacing to still work)


Lower Body Tri-Set #1

Stability Ball Wall Squats w/Dumbells

Dixie Cup Front Lunges

Dixie Cup Side Lunges

Repeat set

Lower Body Tri-Set #2

Step Ups on High Step + Step Lunges w/Dumbells

Elevated Lunges with Dixie cups

Dumbell Squats

Repeat set

Lower Body Tri-Set #3

Deadlifts w/Dumbells

One-Legged Crossover Dip Squats w/Dumbells

[note: this is a tough balance challenge! Cathe uses 5 lbs., and on the first set she suspends one leg, but on the second set she puts it lightly down - I went down from 5 to 4 lbs and kept my leg suspended.]

Hamstring Roll-ins on Ball (done first both legs, then alternating legs)

Repeat set

Cool Down

Instructor Review

I'm a Cathe fan, and I enjoyed Cathe's leadership as usual. There were a couple of places, though, where her counting was confusing (she really needs Cedie!). In particular, she got mixed up in the alternating chest flys--stating at first that we'd do a certain number on each side, and then counting each side as a full rep. But, all in all, I enjoyed this workout.