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iTread, Set 3, 20 minutes

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Release Year

Reviews from VideoFitness

Lisa C

Length: 20:42


~ Warmup (6:45)

~ Small hill @ 4% (1:45)

~ slow down before big hill (0:30)

~ Bigger hill running @ 7% (1:30)

~ Run flat easier pace (1:45)

~ Fast run (4:15)

~ Fast walk (1:00)

~ slow walk (1:00)

This one felt harder to me than Set 2. I think it because of the higher hill in the middle, and no real parts where you slow down. That is fine for such a short workout (17-18min of running), but it was still intense.

I think that the Set 1, 20 minutes is a much better workout than 2 or 3, and if I were to try only a few of the shorter workouts, I would recommend that one. But a yearly subscriber can try them all, so this is not a bad workout when you want to do something intense in a short amount of time.