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Intro to corepower yoga

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This workout is broken down into 3-20 minute sections.

It features 2 women performing the poses while Trevor cues them and adjusts them as necessary. Set is basic and music low and instrumental.

The first section consists of 2 rounds of sun salutations, and 2 rounds of salutations with warrior variations. Plus abdominal crunches and bicycles.

The second round has eagle, tree and dancer poses.

the last round has pigeon, bridging and stretches.

Only the last round has savasana. The instructor has a nice voice and cues well. Music is low and nondescript. He has 2 women performing the poses and he cues them and adjusts them as needed. I think it is a good solid low intermediate yoga routine, even though it has some above beginner poses; it moves slowly and the set up into the pose is good.

The practice doesn't have much of a spiritual side, just cueing into and out of position. I don't really understand why it is called corepower, as except for the crunches and bicycles, and some back extensions in the last section; I didn't overly feel like it emphasized the core.

I think it would be a good practice for someone who wants no spiritual side to their yoga and something basic. I prefer short and sweet because I do like some spiritual aspect to my yoga; so I won't be keeping this one in my yoga collection but it's not because it's a bad dvd. I like all of my practices to have savasana at the end and this one only has it at end of last section. The 2nd and 3rd sections also start right into stretching, so it really feels like it is a full 60 minute workout that was broken into 3 part for the dvd.

Instructor Review

He's clear on his cueing and professional. His voice is good for yoga.