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Fit to the Core - Burn Fat Fast

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Reviews from VideoFitness


I am new to video fitness, but am a fairly regular runner, so I suppose I am somewhere in between intermediate and advanced.

I wanted to clarify: There are two videos in the "Fit to the Core" series. "Burn Fat Fast" is awesome! Its a perfect combination of cardio and strength training. I still havn't been able to get through it using the the heavier weights (I bought Leisa's Core Bar, the best deals are on her website.). The cardio is not incredibly intense, but I always breathe hard and work up a good sweat. The music is original and motivating, especially in the excellent bonus workout. I have definitely seen a difference in my body.

The "Chisel Your Body Lean" video is NOT good. Not only is there hardly any cardio work to speak of, but I barely feel anything on the strength training! There is a lot of squats and other standing moves while holding onto the which is upright on the floor. This was frustrating as I was expecting to be actually using the weight of the bar to chisel my body! One move involves holding onto one end of the bar while the other end rests on the ankle. You then lift the leg with the weight on it to work the hamstring. I have tried it many times on multiple occasions, and still cannot do it without the bad falling off! I think they were wearing velcro socks.

I definitely recommend Leisa's Core bar (I havn't tried any other bars) and the "Burn Fat Fast" video, but not "Chisel Your Body Lean."

Instructor Review

Leisa is my favorite instructor. Her warm and friendly personality is something I actually look foward to seeing!