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Family Walk

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Reviews from VideoFitness


This is a 2 mile beginner walk



Warm Up

The Walk

Walking with Weights (part of the 2 miles)

Warm Down

The cast is made up of all the Leslie regulars, her friend Jennifer and her family, plus lots of kids.

This DVD is at a slower pace than some of the other 2 mile walks such as Walk Away the Pounds Express 2 miles. Of course as with all Leslie DVDs it is pretty easy to increase the intensity with arms etc.

I really enjoy this walk, Leslie comes across as very natural and the kids give you something entertaining to watch while you are exercising.

I have a chronic lower back injury, and whenever my back is aching, but I can still tolerate a little exercise, this is the DVD I use. The pace is slow enough for me to carefully think about how I am moving as I do it, Leslie constantly reminds you about safe posture, and only the basic moves are used. (EG no double knee lifts, no jogging etc.)

Instructor Review

Leslie seems very natural in this DVD. I love the focus on improving your health and safe posture.