Dance Off the Inches: Country Line Dance Party
Reviews from VideoFitness
This is a 40 min country line dance cardio workout led by Amy with 2 b/g'ers (one is Jen Galardi) in a cute studio looking set. The girls are wearing county themed attire. The w/o is broken up into 3 dances that flow together well. The dvd is chaptered so you can play all or select which dance you want to do. There is also a learn the moves tutorial. You won't need any props for this w/o.
While I wouldnt say this is really TIFTing- it is built add on style. Amy teaches a move and then combines it with new moves to create an entire line dance routine. The moves are actually fairly easy to catch onto- but not so basic that theyre boring. I didnt do the moves tutorial and did pretty good! And Im not into country, dancing, nor line dancing.
After the warmup the first dance is "Scoot Those Boots" and includes moves such as the sweep step into a grapevine, a hip twist (tapping your heels w/ your hand), shuffle forward into a jack type move, tush push, knee knocks, and a kick move.
"Ride 'Em Cowboy" starts w/ a saddle up (scoot forward), hip bumps, a yee-haw (heel kick while hopping), switch stomps, rock step, kick step, and a hip roll w/ an overhead lasso.
"Brand New Boyfriend Boogie" starts w/ a a rock step-recover-coaster step, pivot step, Southern swing (swing step), crazy horse (pony & hop), a high impact heel dig, grapvine w/a heel-toe-heel-toe, and finishes with a cooldown.
This routine was actually a ton of fun- and like I said, Im no dancer and not into country. If you are- I think you are in for a huge treat! There were a few "yee-haw's" & Amy has a "country" accent, but I didnt feel overly-"countried." Amy's a good instructor, cues well, and keeps the moves fun but not complicated. I also like how she incorporates a few higher intensity moves into the line dances without disrupting the "county line dance" feel. I would rate this a low intermediate w/o that could easily be modified up or down to suit your needs. Great for days when you really want to have fun while you workout. I received this dvd to review from Anchory Bay Fitness.