Cardio Pump Hi-Lo
Reviews from VideoFitness
Let me preface this with: I am not a fan of Hi Lo .. at all. But I'm trying to go into this with a clean slate.
Menu Screen:
Moving image of Amy in cuts of the workout.
Play Program,
NRG Mixes,
Amy speaking letting you know that you'll have step, then pump sections. Shows images of workout - Amy looks sweaty. Also gives equiptment list of what you'll need (light dumbbells, heavy dumbbells, stability ball, tubing, 8" step, and mat.)
Play Program:
0-5:00 warm/up brief stretching. All lo-impact, basic steps, hamstring curls, grapevines, few calf pumps, etc.
moves: nice grapevine in a triangle, jacks at top, calf pumps back. 3-lunges into box step and 3-peater, jack. Scoop, scoop, 360 hopping turn. double jack, plyos. all broken down and put together nicely. First on right side, then on left lead. Pylp finale with lots of jumping (squat jumps, double jogs to recover,
18:00-20:00 cooldown and brief stretch before moving onto pump section.
tubing looped under step - bent over row, step ups on step, 2 slow sets, 2 fast pump sets. Each Side. could sub dumbbells, but they may feel uncomfortable for the fast pump and take a few tries to get the right weight for you.
heavy dumbbells - overhead press for 12, squat rock which is like a slow v-step on and off step in a squat position. Set of 12. Then repeat another set of over head press with squat rocks on other lead.
light dumbbells - chest, pushups on dumbells on step with side rotations with full arm extensions. (can I just say... HA! Those are tough. Let me work on the toe push ups before working on the rotation with the arm up! LOL) I just subbed in a set of 20 pushups from knees onto step :) I felt it. LOL
back to tubing on step for bicep curls .. ouch .. there is a bonus 8 reps. (insert evil laugh). Ok .. I'm trying to type after those and man .. my arms are shaking! Immediately into triceps with the band. This is interesting - it is a double arm opposition move - both arm over head and arm behind back holding tube move at the same time with a tricep extension. Set of 12 (I think), then switch arms and repeat. Phew.
mat and stability ball - swans ... upper and lower back extensions at same time.
lighter set of dumbbells and stability ball - rear delt work on stability ball - rotation lift with long lever arms up parallel with body, slow count, directly into rear delt lat raises with fast count.
get mat - use to kneel on. set of roll outs on stability ball.
Sit on ball - twist outs holding weights, rocking side to side on ball
standing, holding ball overhead, lean to alternating sides for count of 2 - center - side - center with legs apart, then legs together (shoulder burner as well)
ball held over core, torso twist
NRG mixes
Quick NRG 23:44
plyo jumps
hilo cooldown
core work
pump cool down
Good NRG 23:54
hilo combo 1
plyo jumps
hilo cooldown
bis and tris
core work
pump cool down
Great NRG 30:08
hilo combo 1 breakdown
hilo cooldown
core work
pump cool down
Ultimate NRG 40:20
hilo combo 1 NO breakdown
pylo jumps
bis & Tri's
pylo jumps
hilo cooldown
core work
pump cool down
Wow - I'm impressed .. I may actually be able to stomach Hi-Lo. :) I really liked this workout. My bi's and tri's are still shaking. The pushups are really hard (for me, anyhow.) I'm not so sure about using band for back work .. but I'll see how it is screaming at me tomorrow. If nothing else, I'll sub in some heavy wts for that. I really liked the ab work at the end, but would like to see some isolated mat for for lower abs (isn't that every woman's trouble spot?)
I'm a fan :)
I liked this video, but was surprised that it wasn't more intense. the first hi-lo section consists of simple moves like grapevines (3 in a row at angles), scoops, one-legged hop in a circle, jacks, side lunge into box step and repeater, and a recurring drill of plyo jacks and squat jumps (7 reps for each set).
IT's fun, but only lasts about 15 minutes! Then you move into weight work using the step. I am not a big fan of using the step to anchor tubing. Didn't like it when Cathe did it, or when Pam Cosmi did it. But Amy doesn't do it TOO much. YOu use the tubing and step for lat pulls and step ups, first two slow sets then two fast sets. Then bicep curls on the step with the tubing.
Military presses are done with weights but are combined with squats up onto the step and back down. Somehow that squat up squat down move didn't do much for me. Tricep work is done with tubing. You use weights to lean your hands on the step and do pushups with side arm lifts, two sets of eight.
Ab work uses the stability ball. You do roll-outs, standing ab twists holding the ball, and "supermans" on the ball.
She thoroughly stretches you out between combinations.
The set is a plain de-furnitured room with wooden floor, bare walls and window and some plants in the corner. Two exercisers back Amy up and dutifully whoop, but not too loudly. The music was unmemorable to me, your standard instrumental Dynamix style stuff.
She comes off as very sincere, warm and friendly while pushing you to work hard. The cuing is sometimes a bit off, but that doesn't matter with such simple moves here. The "whoos" seem to be reduced in this video. She tends to laugh a lot at her own statements, I don't know if that's nervousness or just a very happy person! :) It's not annoying, though.