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Brooklyn Bridge Boot Camp

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Reviews from VideoFitness


Ariane leads this 52 minute C+S workout...........The dvd comes packaged with two resistance loops, and you will also need an optional step. You will run along the Brooklyn Bridge with Ariane & 5 others stopping periodically at benches for some strength work. There is also a running alternative of jacks, high knee run, & squat hops offered.

The warmup consists of bench pushups, tri dips, and a set of step ups and then you start jogging along the bridge & back with the group. You stop periodically for strength work that includes: pushups, tri dips, sets of upper body band work, side oblique bends, band side squats adding a hop, wall sits, squat jumps, front & rear leg raises, and at one point you stop in a park for donkey kick variations & plank holds and concludes with a short stretch.

I rate this is a high intermediate workout. I really felt like I was running along the bridge with the group. Very fun, lots of variety of exercises, and obviously wonderful scenery. There is no wasted time, you are constantly on the move! Super unique workout dvd and I hope for more like this from Ariane!!! Her cuing & form pointers are excellent and the music is great & motivating. I received this dvd to review.