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Body Target 60

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Laura S

Full Disclosure: I received a review copy of this workout.

I kept reading that Stephanie Vitorino is a good instructor who puts together workouts that are enjoyable and effective, so I decided to try Body Target 60. I enjoy finding "new to me" instructors that I enjoy working out with.

I am almost 50 and have bad knees and hands. If the workout has moves that are hard on the hands and/or knees (and many workouts are one or the other or both), I look for an effective modifier who can lead me through an effective version of the workout. This workout has two background modifiers, members of Stephanie's classes rather than workout professionals, and one of them is a modifier. I tend to be picky about modifiers and how they modify. I finally figured out with this workout what my pickiness is. My preference is that a modifier not just modify for beginners, people who need to take things a little easy, but rather that she modify for common issues people have with exercise videos - reasons why they might not be able to do moves that are hard on body parts like, um, the hands and knees. This modifier just moidifies for beginners.

The main part of this workout is a total-body 30-minute cardio sculpting workout with three additional 10-minute sections that target the arms, the lower body, and the core. You can play the entire workout or you can choose chapters based on those sections.

I really like the cardio sculpting part of the workout. I've seen all of the moves she leads before, yet they are put together in a fresh and innovative way to make the workout seem different (without being downright strange). She likes to combine moves so that you not only do combination moves where you do both upper and lower body, but she puts together multiple moves into one exercise so that you work multiple muscles in one area. Some of the moves include kettlebell-like moves, compound arm moves working 3 or 4 muscles in the upper body in one move and class moves like lunges and squats, push ups,and wood chops - each in a combination or with a twist to make it seem new and different. The only problem I had is that she mixes in moves that are on the floor in the midst of the standing moves. Personally, I HATE floor work, even when it's led by a good instructor. Plus, those moves were hard on the hands and knees - especially the hands. There were moves on "all fours" and a fair number of push ups in this section and the upper body segment. For those that like floor work, her moves on the floor also seemed fresh and innovative. This lowered my enjoyment of and the value of the workout for me.

For the workout, you'll need two sets of weights - lighter and heavier - and a mat. That's it. And, if you're on carpet, you might not need the mat. If you get tired of workouts for which you have to drag out tons of equipment, this workout might be for you.

The 3 10-minute sections seem effective and good. Except for me, I didn't like them as much as I could have because they have a fair number of moves on the floor. However, for those of you like this, the workout might be okay.

To me, this workout is intermediate and you have the opportunity to make it harder or easier. You can modify the weights you use. She not only includes cardio and weights, but effectively challenges your balance at multiple points throughout the workout. You could use a BOSU or balance disk during the balance challenges. Following the modifier will make the workout easier, although it won't eliminate all the moves that are hard on the knees and hands.

I probably won't keep this workout, just because the floor work cuts down the section I want the most, the cardio sculpting, to a shorter workout than I want when I cut out the floor work. It's too bad because I like the standing moves and I really like her as an instructor.

Instructor Review

Her instruction is good. She is encouraging and motivating without any extreme issues with her presentation. She does the workout rather than walking around.

Laura S

Full Disclosure: I received a review copy of this workout.

I kept reading that Stephanie Vitorino is a good instructor who puts together workouts that are enjoyable and effective, so I decided to try Body Target 60. I enjoy finding "new to me" instructors that I enjoy working out with.

I am almost 50 and have bad knees and hands. If the workout has moves that are hard on the hands and/or knees (and many workouts are one or the other or both), I look for an effective modifier who can lead me through an effective version of the workout. This workout has two background modifiers, members of Stephanies classes rather than workout professionals, and one of them is a modifier. I tend to be picky about modifiers and how they modify. I finally figured out with this workout what my pickiness is. My preference is that a modifier not just modify for beginners, people who need to take things a little easy, but rather that she modify for common issues people have with exercise videos - reasons why they might not be able to do moves that are hard on body parts like, um, the hands and knees. This modifier just moidifies for beginners.

The main part of this workout is a total-body 30-minute cardio sculpting workout with three addional 10-minute sections that target the arms, the lower body, and the core. You can play the entire workout or you can choose chapters based on those sections.

I really like the cardio sculpting part of the workout. I've seen all of the moves she leads before, yet they are put together in a fresh and innovative way to make the workout seem different (without being downright strange). She likes to combine moves so that you not only do combination moves where you do both upper and lower body, but she puts together multiple moves into one exercise so that you work multiple muscles in one area. Some of the moves include kettlebell-like moves, compound arm moves working 3 or 4 muscles in the upper body in one move and class moves like lunges and squats, push ups,and wood chops - each in a combination or with a twist to make it seem new and different. The only problem I had is that she mixes in moves that are on the floor in the midst of the standing moves. Personally, I HATE floor work, even when it's led by a good instructor. For those that like floor work, her moves on the floor also seemed fresh and innovative. This lowered my enjoyment of and the value of the workout for me.

For the workout, you'll need two sets of weights - lighter and heavier - and a mat. That's it. And, if you're on carpet, you might not need the mat. If you get tired of workouts for which you have to drag out tons of equipment, this workout might be for you.

The 3 10-minute sections seem effective and good. Except for me, I didn't like them as much as I could have because they have a fair number of moves on the floor. However, for those of you like this, the workout might be okay.

To me, this workout is intermediate and you have the opportunity to make it harder or easier. You can modify the weights you use. She not only includes cardio and weights, but effectively challenges your balance at multiple points throughout the workout. You could use a BOSU or balance disk during the balance challenges. Following the modifier will make the workout easier.


This dvd is 71 minutes long - you can play all or select the segment you want to do. Stephanie works out w/ 2 b/gers, one showing beginner modifications. The set is spacious and has the V Body logo on the glass in the background. You will only need dumbbells for this workout.

Cardio Sculpt: (30 min) This is a strength/ cardio interval w/o. Moves include side hops/ dips w/ a knee and a front raise, hinge then overhead press, V step- grapevine combo that increases to a power jump squat, KB swing into french press, balance leg w/ comprehensive UB work, balance row, tricep combo moves, weighted burpees, squat w/ curtsy dip & lateral raise. chair w/ woodchop, pushups, on all 4's- raise dumbbell & lift leg, weighted side planks, crunch w/ skull crushers, and tri dips.

Upper Body: (10 min) Work includes a fun shoulder routine, pike pushups, concentration curls, tri kickbacks, pushup variations, and other comprehensive UB work.

Lower Body: (10 min) Work includes chair pose w/ toe taps, plyo lunges, low static lunge variations, weighted bridge work, side plank w/ a kick, and weighted donkey kick series.

Abs: (10 min) Work includes: hi plank w/ knee pulls, 1 arm planks, leg circles, side plank w/ a knee pull, superman, clam shell crunches, & crunch variations.

Also included are a 6 min w/u and a 6 min c/d. I would rate this an intermediate workout. The work contains some unique moves and Stephanie's cuing is good. The C+S w/o did get my heartrate up-lots of compound moves. This dvd is mostly strength w/ an added cardio benefit (& cardio bursts in the C+S w/o) . The cardio segments are short and are not super challenging as they builds in intensity- but you could easily do the more advanced move from the beginning. The dvd is versatile- you can do a 10-70+ minute workout.


Body Target 60 is a really fun workout.

If you're looking for something that's innovative but not too innovative as to be weird, this could be your thing. If you like to mix cardio, strength and balance challenges, again this could be your thing. Do you enjoy a down-to-earth instructor with good cueing and description? Try this workout. Do you like a workout that's basically 30 minutes with options to go longer? Try this workout. Do you like a workout with a modifier (and an instructor who explains the modifications)? Then run, don't walk to try this workout. Minimal equipment? Yep. Nice set? You bet. An instructor and background exercisers who got dressed as if they were expecting to exercise that day? Yes and yes.

Basically here's what you can expect with this workout. Body Target 60 is an intermediate level workout which can be made high intermediate to advanced with a balance disk or higher weights. It requires 2 sets of dumbbells and a mat. It starts with a 5-minute warmup. Then the main part of the workout is 30 minutes long. This main part consists of exercises such as deadlift/shoulder press combo, kettlebell swing/overhead tricep press, balance with bicep curl/overhead press, lunging row/tricep swing back, squat/curtsey/shoulder raise combo and more. The cardio segments in between aren't puke-in-a-bucket hard but Stephanie Vitorino gives you enough options to make it interesting if not daunting. Then there are three 10-minute sections targeting respectively the arms, the glutes, the core. And then there is a 5-minute stretch. Stephanie does the whole workout with you - no stopping and commenting. I liked it when she says "I'm working hard with you."

I'm not very good at breaking down the actual exercises but the clips at Collage and Total Fitness DVDs give a really good idea of what to expect.

Instructor Review

Stephanie Vitorino is personable and engaging as an instructor. She comes across as a real workout buddy. The exercises she's chosen are effective and interesting. She's also created a format (One 30-minute workout with 10-minute add-ons) that is effective but unintimidating. I hope she'll create more workouts like this.