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Body Blast: Step Jump and Pump

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Denise B

I just finished reading all the glowing reviews on this workout and I'm going to have to be the dissenter here as I really didn't like it. The reason? It jumps around too much. First you do a step workout which, I guess could be viewed as a warm up because it really didn't get my heart rate up at all. Then she goes right into hi/low. Nothing exciting at all. Didn't like the music, didn't like the steps and between a few of these hi/low "sessions" she does weights. I guess the first thing I was thinking was, "that's it for step?" She starts off with it and then the entire rest of the workout is hi/low except for the last one which is "low". Had she done a step, a high low, another step, another hi and then a low, I may have liked it better. The weights she does in between are nothing new either. It's the usual fare. Not overly impressed with this one all in all. Maybe that'll change after a while, but my impression after doing it twice is that this won't be one of my favorites.

Instructor Review

Cathe's her usual self here. Smiling and happy and seems to love what she's doing!

Lady D

I really got the endorphin kick going in this one. This video for me is just fun. I love the songs, like "Abracadabra," "Kung Fu Fighting," "I Need a Hero" and "Heaven Is A Place on Earth".

I am one of those weird people who actually enjoys hi lo, so I enjoy the mix of step, hi lo and weights. The weight work was nothing that is not in a typical Cathe circuit DVD. All together though, it made for a nice mix. The abs portion at the end was very tough.

Instructor Review

Cathe is great in this one.


I am a huge Cathe fan, but have always been a bit klutzy when it comes to complex choreography, so I held off on trying the Body Blasts. I shouldn't have waited!!! This workout is so much fun! I particularly like the slap clap and K step step section. If you're new to Cathe, I would definitely not recommend choosing this workout as a starting point, as the moves are a bit tricky and if you're not familiar with her style and some of her moves, you'll be spending lots of time rewinding. If you're an experienced stepper who enjoys variety in your workouts, you'll love this one. It's a blast.


I am a true Cathe fan, but I did not like this workout at all. I felt that there was too much emphasis on complex choreography and not enough on keeping your heart rate up. I prefer intensity over anything, so this definitely just was not for me.


Others have broken this workout down (and there’s a lot of detailed information plus a preview clip on Cathe’s site). I just want to share my opinion that this is a delightful workout. I have always been lukewarm on circuit workouts, but this DVD has changed that. Cathe uses the music so well, the choreography is delightful, and I don’t feel rushed between weight and cardio sections as I do in her other circuit workouts. There is enough weight work that I feel like it “counts” for a strength day, but it is also an intense cardio workout. If you want more of a weight focus, this video can be used along with one or two intense weight tapes in a week. It can also be part of a fun circuit rotation along with Cathe’s Boot Camp and High Step Training, for instance.

This is really Cathe at her best. If you like Cathe, you must try this one - even if you’re not sold on circuit workouts! If you’re new to Cathe (but not new to exercising), this would be a fun one to start with. The DVD is great because it gives premix options that combine the segments of this workout in different ways. (It also has options that combine this workout with Step Blast, a fun all-step workout.)

Debbie S

First, I want to say that I am by no means a die-hard Cathe fan. I like Cathe and I highly respect her as well. She has put out some of the best strength workouts on the market today.

I have all of Cathe’s workouts and it has been a fascinating journey watching Cathe evolve over the years. I have no idea how Cathe can continue to put out one excellent series after another. Yes, this is a whole series that she put outs at a time, not just one or two workouts a year. Each time I receive her newest series, I am blown away by the job she has done and the fabulous shape Cathe and her crew are in. This latest series is produced months after Cathe’s second child. How in the world does she find the to put so much time and effort creating new strength workouts, that are indeed fresh and new choreography for her Step Blast, Kick Punch & Crunch and Step Jump and Pump workouts!?

So far, the Body Blast series has literally swept me off my feet, but the workout that I am truly smitten with is, Step Jump and Pump. I must say that to me this workout is near perfection.

Prior to this workout, Christi Taylor, Marcus Irwin and Kristen Kagen in Step this Way 1 were the top instructors who could really work the music. Cathe has finally achieved this status. Cathe really works the music in Step Pump and Jump. From the first song in the warm-up, Abracadabra to the very last song during the stretch, Linger, each routine fits the music to a tee.

Step, Pump, & Jump is 75-minute long. The workout starts with a step warm-up. You will then do a 16-minute step routine that is packed with fun choreography. After the step routine, it is then time for the hi/lo and strength segments. This segment is 40 minutes long. You will do 5 minutes of hi/lo followed by 5 minutes of weight training.

I have copied and pasted the breakdown of the workout with the accompanying songs:

Warm up....Abracadabra


Combo 1...Instrumental

Combo 2....Kung Fu Fighting

Combo 3....Golden Eye

Combo 4....Spin Me Round

Hi/lo & weights

Hi/lo (5 min)..........Rebel Rebel

Squats/Deadrows/deadlifts (5 min....Sleeping Satellite)

Hi/lo (5 min).......Holding On For A Hero

biceps curls/side lateral raises/front raises/rear delt raises (5 min....Freedom)

Hi/lo (5 min) ......Heaven Is A Place On Earth

lunges (5 min....Breakfast at Tiffany's)

Hi/lo (5 min) ......Instrumental

bench press/ chest flys/tricep extensions (5 min....Without You)

Abs (6 min....Dreams)

Stretch (5 min....Linger)

Instructor Review

Cathe really shines in this workout. Not only is she in fabulous shape, but Cathe's choreography has evolved in a good way.


This workouts is similiar to Body Max but with a new twist. You start off with a really fun fun step workout with lots of new choreography and upbeat music. It was just enough step workout to wet my step appetite. I love step! Then you do hi/lo-weight training circuits. Each hi/lo section is followed by weight training doing 1 set for each muscle group(lower body,biceps,shoulders, back, triceps). Alternating lower body with upper body. Cathe uses a barbell for legs and does squats and then deadlift w/ rows or stationary lunges. Upper body work is side delt raises and front raises, biceps curls w/ barbell, chest press and chest flies using dumbbells on the step and then lying tricep French press on the step(Cathe uses barbell). Cathe does alot of high impact but on the last hi/lo workout, she gives you a more low impact workout. But she does put on hi/lo blasts so be prepared for some interval workout too! Whew! The workout finishes w/ ab work on the floor. Its just traditional killer Cathe ab work to a great song. Cathe ends with a wonderful stretch.

I usually don't like hi/lo aerobics but you can easily modify the hi/lo on your rebounder or I just pulled out my slide and did sliding for all the hi/lo part. It was fun and didn't take long to take my slide boots on and off.

Instructor Review

CAthe's cueing and form is perfect. A real down to earth instructor that is laughing,sweating and working hard along with you.


This is an excellent workout. The music is fabulous and the moves are fun.

I love the last cardio segment especially (boomba boomba boomba).

I pull this workout out when I have a lot of energy (and at least 60 minutes to workout) and it always makes me smile.

Cathe really peaked with the body-blasts.

Instructor Review

Cathe shines in this one.