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Blast to the Past

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Reviews from VideoFitness


I LOVE this workout. It's simple but so much fun. His moves fit the songs to a T. That's what makes it a pleasure. It's so rare the combinations for aerobics are related to the music that is used. What a difference it makes. If you don't pay attention to music, this DVD will turn that around but quick. So glad to find it. More!!

Instructor Review

I've heard about Ken but have never seen him until last month at Can-Fit-Pro in Toronto. His sessions were just sensational, the best I had at the convention by far. I'm glad I found this DVD in a search, I didn't know he had this one. He's great. Funny, filled with great ideas, down to earth.


I've been looking for a video or DVD to get ideas for an "oldies but goodies" theme class other than Richard Simmons. This is the only one I've found. It's perfect, well, almost. Because it has only one stationary camera, during one song he moves out of the frame. But it's okay because the rest of the workout is quite a bit of fun. Just what I needed to re-energize workouts. Music is awesome and available too. It's so much better than canned dance music that sounds like the same song for 45 minutes on some videos.

A real find at Thanks for the tip on this one.

Instructor Review

He's great. Simple yet creative combinations. Cues well, very personal. A real surprise.

Annie S

I got this on eBay eons ago and just got around to it recently. I wasn't sure at all what it was going to be like in terms of style, intensity, quality, etc, but the price was right. (I paid $2 or $3 for it.) As it turns out, it's a low-impact experienced beginner/intermediate floor aerobics workout done to AWESOME 50's music by the original artists. Ken Alan himself is very dynamic, likeable, and an all-around fun guy. He needs to be on a CIA tape (although perhaps at a more advanced level). The quality of this tape is poor -- it is not a professional recording -- but at least you can hear the music, unlike some others :) It is taped from a live class, so there are lots of people. At some points, he disappears from the screen because the camera stays stationary. The picture is a little grainy. Did I mention the music is AWESOME?!? Despite the poor quality of the production, I think there are a lot of VFers who might be very happy with this. Unfortunately, I don't know where to get it. Ken Alan's web site is and he does have some videos for sale, but I didn't see this one there. It might be worth an e-mail to him, though, if this sounds like it's for you.