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Biggest Winner - Cardio Kickbox

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Reviews from VideoFitness


Mostly this will be the provision of information.

I did it for the first time yesterday. I'm an intermediate, and it wasn't enough for me for a solid workout, but it IS aimed at beginners and low intermediates, so that's perfectly understandable.

The moves during the workout do NOT follow the music at all, so those who prefer to work to the beat may be bothered by this.

Another (very minor, in my opinion) problem is that the chapters on the DVD don't seem to match any particular part of the workout.

That's all I really want to say, but here is information that people seeking reviews might find useful.

Description from video cover

Cardio Kickbox (the third in a series of 5 Jillian Michaels DVDs), is a high-energy aerobic workout designed to keep you moving and boost your fat-burning capabilities while at the same time giving your muscles a day off from weight-training. Jillian recommends doing Cardio Kickbox once a week, in the middle of the week, to break up your regular exercise program. This program is to get out there and have some fun, an dkeep your body moving.

This DVD is packed with tactics to help take it off and keep it off, including Diet and Exercise Tracking Logs, Nutrition Tips, Recipes plus a Special Workout Article from *Fitness RX Magazine and a Behind the Scenes Photo Gallery!


[1] (1:59) Start of Intro

[2] (3:43)

[3] (4:37)

[4] (4:14)

[5] (4:41)

[6] (5:11)

[7] (3:51)

[8] (1:03) Credits

Breakdown of the workout

(2:39) Intro, including workout intro of backgrounders.

(21:15) Workout

_____(3:04) Group One (warmup?)

__________(1:33) Round One

_______________(0:31) Alternating side squats, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:20) Alternating front kicks, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:17) Plie hops, x20

_______________(0:25) Alternating front straight leg raises

__________(1:31) Round Two

_______________(0:26) Alternating side squats, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:23) Alternating front kicks, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:17) Plie hops, x20

_______________(0:25) Alternating front straight leg raises

_____(10:01) Group Two

__________(5:20) Round One

_______________(0:29) Jump rope x30

_______________(0:42) Squat + roundhouse kick, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:30) Squat + alternating front jabs, x15 ea. Side

_______________(0:22) Side knee pulls, x10 ea side

_______________(0:25) Jumping jacks x30

_______________(0:35) Rear lunge + front kick, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:27) Squat + alternating front jabs, x15 ea. Side

_______________(0:25) Front knee pull, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:24) Jump rope x10

_______________(0:22) Alternating back kick, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:24) Squat + alternating front jabs, x15 ea. Side

_______________(0:15) Alternating knee to elbow, x5 ea. Side

__________(4:41) Round Two

_______________(0:22) Jump rope x30

_______________(0:36) Squat + roundhouse kick, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:21) Squat + alternating front jabs, x15 ea. Side

_______________(0:21) Side knee pulls, x10 ea side

_______________(0:26) Jumping jacks x30

_______________(0:35) Rear lunge + front kick, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:23) Squat + alternating front jabs, x15 ea. Side

_______________(0:22) Front knee pull, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:24) Jump rope x10

_______________(0:13) Alternating back kick, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:25) Squat + alternating front jabs, x15 ea. Side

_______________(0:13) Alternating knee to elbow, x5 ea. Side

_____(6:35) Group Three

__________(3:18) Round One

_______________(0:32) Fast feet, x30 sec

_______________(0:30) Side leg raise, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:27) Squat + alternating high upper cut, x15 ea. Side

_______________(026) Jumping jacks, x30

_______________(0:37) Side kick + squat, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:20) Squat + alternating high upper cut, x15 ea. Side

_______________(0:26) Alternating front kick + back kick, x5 ea. Side

__________(3:17) Round Two

_______________(0:36) Fast feet, x30 sec

_______________(0:40) Side leg raise, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:19) Squat + alternating high upper cut, x15 ea. Side

_______________(0:25) Jumping jacks, x30

_______________(0:39) Side kick + squat, x10 ea. Side

_______________(0:17) Squat + alternating high upper cut, x15 ea. Side

_______________(0:21) Alternating front kick + back kick, x5 ea. Side

_____(1:35) Extra

__________(0:53) Jump rope x30

__________(0:24) Jumping jacks x30

__________(0:18) Pushups x 10

(3:07) Stretch

Instructor Review

I'm neutral about Jillian - neither a fan, nor bothered in particular by her style. I did notice that she hitched her pants up about 6 times throughout, but that didn't erk me, I just noticed it.


Did this for the first time this AM. Others have described it well and it was pretty much what I expected. It's quick and 'simple', as in no choreography, cardio. For punches there were jabs and upper-cuts but no hooks, so I'll be adding those in next time. She does 1 or 2 standing ab exercises but only 10 reps per side. This doesn't require a lot of space and uses no equipment. I think I'd get bored doing it often and can imagine that as I do it more I'll substitute one move for another since it's so easy to. Although I think it's a great early morning workout or for days when no thinking is possible. I agree with an intermediate rating. Jillian being goofy didn't bother me at all. She did most of the exercises which I liked.


This is a 20+ minute cardio kickboxing workout led by Jillian w/ 6 background exercisers (3 male, 3 female) in a nice gym looking room. The set looks very similar to George Foremans set in his walking w/o's. You wont need any props for this workout.

After a nice active warmup you move into a basic kickboxing workout-nothing fancy, pretty straightforward and athletic but not boring or too repetitive IMO. She does most moves in sets of 10, then moves onto the next move. You will see speedbag, shuffle, side kicks, roundhouse, front & back kicks, jabs, upper cuts, cross, jumping jacks, fast feet, and other "athletic" kick/boxing type cardio moves.

Jillian is a bit giggly in this one, like shes trying to tone down her "tough guy" persona-but it doesnt really work on her. Its not that bad, but it just isnt "her" IMO. She does still try to act tough w/ the background exercisers on occasion.

I bought this dvd after having done her newer workouts (30 DS, BFBM, NMTZ) and was a bit disappointed-while its a good workout-the intensity was nowhere near the same as her newer workouts. Having said that-its a good little basic kickboxing workout. I would rate this workout a lower intermediate workout. Its perfect to tack onto a tough cardio workout or to use on a light day. I wore weighted gloves and still wasnt real challenged by it.


I liked this video much more than I thought I would! I was a little leery after hearing how "giggly" she was but I didn't find her to really be that "giggly" here (no more than in her other videos).

It is only about 20 minutes of actual workout, but it's a lively little workout and great for an add-on for intermediate/advanced exercisers. The kickboxing is drill-style--30 reps of this, 10 reps of that.

You regularly do 30 sets of punches (or high uppercuts) in a horse stance, sandwhiched between other drills like squat front kicks (not truly deep quats), "sumo squat" roundhouses, sidekicks, front-back kicks and basic aerobic moves like jacks, fast feet and knee raises.

If you liked drill-style, no frills workouts like Tae Fit or P90X's Kenpo, this might fit the 20-minute bill. I like the array of young but non-glamorous background exercisers (shades of P90X) and the brightly lit but not fancy gym setting. Jillian wears a red bra and low-slung (but not obnoxiously so, IMO) sweatpants cut off below the knees. One girl does beginner modifications. Jillian certainly screams and giggles a bit but I didn't find it distracting or annoying.

Instructor Review

Jillian is cute, competent and charismatic, and after doing her Maximize and Shape Up videos, I'm getting used to her style. She's kinda growing on me. I still think there's a bit of the "tough girl" TV persona with the yelling at exercisers (in a faux-tough way) but nevertheless she is engaging and comes across as sincere in her motivational "yelling" to me. In this particular video, I was not impressed with her kickboxing form on a lot of the kicks.