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Basic Flow Yoga

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Reviews from VideoFitness


The practice runs approximately 57 minutes and has no chapters. It is a dvd+r recording. It was filmed in Maui on the South Shore. It features music by Snatam Kaur Khalsa which was motivating and uplifting during the session.

The practice:

Starting with the breath, you'll set your intentions on what you'll gain from the class. Pelvic undulations (or navel grinds) begin to open the body and prepare the lower back. Spinal flexes back and forth in a rhythmic pattern begin to increase flexibility in the spine (and warm the body further). Next Elizabeth performs shoulder rolls with the same rhythmic movement. Next up is cat/cow which articulates the spine and then you'll move into down dog. A slow paced mini sun salute follows. Nice side stretches open the side of the body and tones the waist. The last piece of the extended warmup includes a fluid back stretch into a forward bend. This dynamic warmup prepares the participant for the poses.

The core of the workout begins with a sun salutation which Elizabeth runs through about 8 times. (tips for modifications are included) This is not "power yoga" as the pace is slower and the holds are longer. The standing poses offer toning benefits for the lower body. Elizabeth demonstrates wonderful hip opening and muscle lengthening poses, such as pigeon and seated forward bend. You'll conclude the practice with lying spinal twists and rocks, releasing the back. Elizabeth finishes the session just as she began--with the breath. (and a nice final relaxation)

The pace of the practice is perfect for those new to yoga. It will also benefit those that are not new to yoga by allowing them more time in the poses.

Very well done with beautiful production values, this is a great addition to any home practice.

Instructor Review

Elizabeth provides great form tips throughout the practice. She also uses visual cues along with verbal ones (imagine a bow you are bringing all the way back). Her website is