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6 Minute Quick Blast Method - Total Body Fat Burner

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6 Minute Quick Blast Method- Total Body Fat Burner

Tracey Mallett, 2008

This dvd is comprised of eight 6 minute workouts and a warmup & stretch segment. There are 3 lower body cardio segments, four upper body + abs segments, and one ab segment. Tracey leads the workouts in a nice open set with hardwood floors with 2-4 background exercisers-1 showing beginner modifications. You will need a stability ball and dumbbells for the upper body and ab segments. The dvd has the option to "play all" or "select a w/o" -no mix and match option.

First off let me say that you all probably know I LOVE dvds that can be used as addons. I also love splits that include cardio so this w/o is right up my ally! In each 6 minute segment she does a ciruit of 4 exercises 3 times. Tracey is not my fav, but I love the formatting on her w/o's.

The lower body segments include cardio and really accomplish a lot in only 6 minutes each. She doesnt use handweights but there are a ton of reps so I actually didnt use weights this time but would in the future. Even w/out weights I could feel my buns & thighs being worked with moves such as squats, plyo squats, lunges w/ a rear leg lift, a ballet type leg drag, pliets, etc.

The upper body segments are done on the ball - which was a nice change of pace and I could feel my muscles being worked differently than normal. And each w/o includes an ab move. If you do all 4 UB segments you can thoroughly work all your UB muscles IMO- overhead tricep press, pec fly, bench press, rear delt fly, lat row, pushups -all done on the ball! The ab work includes some fun moves on the ball-twists, crunches, planks, and variations of.

The ab section is done on the ball and felt really effective and she adds a unique twist to traditional ball ab work. Using the ball helped add a bit of intensity IMO.

I would rate this an intermediate workout that could easily be modified up or down to fit anyones needs. I like that Traceys background exercisers are ladies that used her dvds & books and lost weight! Its very motivating :) Tracie has a fairly high pitched voice and pretty thick accent just as an FYI.


Production: This is the best to date for Tracey! The set is nice and non-distracting.

Music: Upbeat instrumentals

Based on Tracey's book, Sexy in 6, these workouts are segmented into 6 minute sessions. You can focus on a certain body part, do the entire workout if time isn't an issue or use it as you choose (great chaptering make this an easy option). A wonderful feature in both dvds is the Suggested Daily Combinations section in the main menu. Here, you'll get 2 different weekly rotations that is all spelled out for you! (just pop in the dvd & begin the workout as suggested for any particular day)

Total Body Fat Burner:

This dvd is more strength training than cardio. (although in the lower body segments you will keep your heart rate up during the brief cardio intervals) The warmup and cool down segments are the same on both dvds. They warmup is easy to follow & includes such moves as step touches, side steps, marches--nothing complicated. The cooldown offers a great 4 minute segment that fully stretches out the entire body. Each of the lower body and upper body segments are unique, focusing on certain areas. All the lower body segments are non weighted (which is key to being able to add in cardio bursts to raise the heart rate). Lower Body A contains squats and kicks. Lower Body B utilizes dance & ballet principles to tighten and tone the glutes. It also contains side kicks to work the outer thigh area. Lower Body C contains lots of plie work. Multiple sets and counts will really work the inner thighs. All the upper body segments use a stability ball and a light set of hand weights (choose a weight that fits your level to increase or decrease the challenge). As a bonus, all the Upper Body segments are done as circuits, alternating the body parts being worked with abdominal training. Upper Body A focuses on chest and triceps, Upper Body B highlights back and bicep training and Upper Body C hits the chest again along with the shoulders. Upper Body D combines exercises that work all the upper body areas. Ab Blast on the Ball is tough! (reminding me of Cathe Friedrich's ball work) This segment contains: curls on the ball, ball roll-outs, lying ball exchange, double leg stretch and side lying double leg lifts (with the ball held between the ankles!).

Total Body Calorie Blast:

Total Body Blast A, B and C all utilize intervals of easy to follow cardio with light weight training. (you'll do a quick cardio blast, then pick up the weights) The Mind Body Blast segments are a wonderful compliment to the prior segments. It's a fusion of yoga and pilates principles that work on strengthening and stretching the body simultaneously. These segments are also great add on options for other workouts! Ab Blast uses no equipment and works the entire core with a greater emphasis on the obliques. This segment is tougher than it looks, relying on core stabilization and control to enhance the toning benefits.

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