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29 Minute Workout: Ultimate Abs

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Annie S

Liza is friendly and personable. She cues very clearly and gives every inch of your abs a good workout. This ab workout is 29 minutes, with about 10 minutes standing. On the standing section, you have to make sure you're using your abs because it's very easy to cheat.

The floor section includes both upper and lower ab work, as well as obliques. It's challenging. During the first half or two-thirds, she takes a few 2- or 3-second rest breaks, but not very many. During the last part, she takes more breaks, and you need them by then.

Even though you're doing 29 minutes of ab work at once, I find it goes by pretty fast. There's a lot of variety. With some ab workouts, even if they're only 10 minutes, I get bored. Not with this one. I bought this a few years ago at a discount store for about $5.99 or $6.99. I consider it money well spent, as I've been using it ever since! I give this video an "A".