21 Day Fix Extreme: Pilates Fix Extreme
Reviews from VideoFitness
This is a 33 minute total body pilates routine. Autumn works out in a gym set with a group of background exercisers, one providing some easier modifications. You will need exercise tubing for all the exercises in this workout. Each exercise is performed for one minute each.
After a warm up, exercises include: supine band scissors, roll backs, the hundred holding the band, circle teaser, single leg extension & knee pull, crunches, v drops, v hold & side tap outs, v press outs, side lying leg raises, bird dogs, fire hydrant, donkey series, superman, swan, camel with front raise, and a cool down.
I rate this a high intermediate routine. This is a core heavy routine that also hits the lower body. I love the use of the band to really up the intensity of the workout. Autumn provides great cuing and motivation. I received this DVD to review.