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10 Minute Solution Best Belly Blasters!

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This dvd contains six 10 minute core sections from various previously released 10 Minute Solution dvds. Each section is different and all are great choices for this dvd. As with all 10 MS dvds, you can mix & match to create a custom workout or select one for those time crunched days.

Pilates Perfect Abs (Blast Off Belly Fat, Suzanne Bowen): Suzanne starts with breathing exercises then onto the 100, single & double leg stretch, leg scissors, roll up, teaser, and supermans to hit the lower back. As the title suggests this is pilates core work.

Six Pack Ab Attach (Ultimate Bootcamp, Jessica Smith): Starts with some standing ab work and then goes down to the floor for crawling planks, plank twists, plank to side planks, crunch variations, and sit up variations. My abs were fried by the end of this. Unique and fun and kept in the boocamp spirit.

Dancers Abs (Dance It Off & Tone it Up! Jennifer Galardi): This is a dance inspired core workout- all done standing. Jen provides plenty of movement to get the heart up a bit. Exercises include rib-cage isolations, hop rolls, hip sways, party arms, belly dance, etc. She combines the exercises into a fun little core dance routine.

Belly Fat Burner (5 Day Get Fit Mix, Amy Bento): Amy begins with some creative standing ab exercises with light weights, then on to the floor. Exercises include: weighted side drops, windmill dumbbell swing, V-sit leg pull, and several plank and crunch variations. This workout was fun and effective!

Waist Slimmer (Rapid Results Pilates Lara Hudson): This pilates core work includes toe drops, 100 variations, "coordination", single leg teaser, can can, lying hip circles, oblique roll overs with side leg raises, and other pilates exercises.

Bikini Belly (Quick Tummy Toners, Jessica Smith): This is a fun fun core cardio workout. You perform a fun standing cardio routine that hits your core from every angle. You do a short routine and Jessica adds on as you go. You do exercises such as knee strikes, figure 8, bob and weave, side twists, ski jumps, etc. LOVE this segment!!!! A perfect add and a great multi-tasker (core & cardio). I received this dvd to review.