Stepping Alive
Reviews from VideoFitness
Steven works out with 2 background exercisers in a cute studio for this cardio step routine. You will need only need a step bench for this 73 min routine. The DVD is fully chaptered and includes plenty of premixes to choose from!
After a warm up & quick stretch exercises include: stomping the corners, repeater, mambo cha cha, straddle arabasque, reverse hop turn, Elvis step, box step on the box, weave step, stomp straddle, around the world, knee up fast shuffle, jazz square across the box, and concludes with core work and a cool down & stretch.
This workout is high intermediate in terms of choreography and cardio complexity. Stevens cuing is excellent and really made the choreo doable, even for me and Im not the best at following choreo. TONS of fun and fresh moves made this super fun & I will most certainly be reaching for it again and again. I cant wait for more DVDs from Steven! I am loving his instruction style. I received this DVD to review.