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30 Minutes to Fitness: Trim Down

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Reviews from VideoFitness


Kelly Coffey-Meyer is one of my favorite instructors--and it's just a bonus that she actually lives in my hometown. I have most of her DVDs, although not all, as I don't necessarily click with everything she does. I was actually a bit hesitant to try this one, as Kelly departs from her usual formula by working out alone; I thought I would miss the background exercisers. But I decided to take a chance because I generally love Kelly's boxing workouts, and luckily, Kelly still makes things fun!

Kelly teaches live in a different studio than what she uses for most of her other workouts, sort of a lobby setting. As with all the DVDs in her 30 Minutes to Fitness series, Trim Down features two main workouts--both interval workouts consisting of weighted compound moves alternating with boxing--plus a variety of premixes The Main Menu offers options for Introduction - Workout One - Workout Two - Premixes - Credits. I have broken down each segment further below.

WORKOUT ONE (32 minutes)

Kelly starts with a 4-minute warm-up (same for both workouts). It includes moves such as marches, shoulder circles, toe taps, jabs, jump rope, knees, and concludes with lunges. For the workout, I have listed each weighted move followed by the *boxing interval.

1) Spiderman Squat

* pump 2 - uppercut 2

2) Squat Complete with alternating press

* pump 2 - uppercut 4

3) Romanian Deadlift with high pull

* jab-hook - 4 side jabs

4) Romanian Deadlift with alternating high pull

* jab-hook - alternating side jabs

5) Plank with alternating knee in plus row

* jab-cross-hook-up on Right

6) Plank row

* jab-cross-hook-up on Left

7) Static lunge with weight to hip and knee lift on Right

* 1-2-3 punch - fast jack

8) Static lunge with weight to hip and knee lift on Left

* 1-2-3 punch - fast jack

9) Squat and press

* speed bag with variations

10) Plie with curl overhead

* speed bag with variations

Cool-Down (3 minutes): Standing side stretch, lower back stretch, and a few upper stretches.

WORKOUT TWO (32 minutes.)

Kelly starts with a 4-minute warm-up (same for both workouts). It includes moves such as marches, shoulder circles, toe taps, jabs, jump rope, knees, and concludes with lunges. For the workout, I have listed each weighted move followed by the *boxing interval.

1) Rainbow Squat

* single-single-double-jab - twist 4

2) Squat with down-up lift

* single-single-double-jab only

3) Suitcase Deadlift Right

* moving jab 3x - cross-duck-back 2 Right

4) Suitcase Deadlift Left

* moving jab 3x - cross-duck-back 2 Left

5) Side Step with reverse lung

* upper-upper-hook (side-to-side)

6) Reverse lunge only with bicep curl

* upper-upper-hook (front)

7) Overhead with straight leg raise side Right

* jab-jab - cross-cross-set-knee Right

8) Overhead with straight leg side Left

* jab-jab - cross-cross-set-knee Left

9) (on floor) Dolphin Pushup with mountain climbers

* kneeling jabs, Side 1

10) Dolphin Pushup only

* kneeling jabs, Side 2

Cool-Down (3 minutes): Starts with a few stretches on knees; concludes with brief standing stretches.


Boxing Drills - Both Workouts! (51 MIN)

Weight Work Drills - Both Workouts (29 MIN)

Combined Workouts (54 MIN)

Kelly's Favorite Mix (20 MIN)

Mixed Trim Down #1 (30 MIN)

Mixed Trim Down #2 (32 MIN)

That's it! I have just a few (minor) quibbles with this workout. First, the boxing drills weren't QUITE as fun as the ones that Kelly offers in her other workouts, including 30-Minutes to Fitness TLC: Train Like a Contender and 30 Minutes To Fitness: Circuit Burnt, most likely because the ones here are shorter (just a minute) and more simplistic. Also, Kelly frequently says "finish" in these routines (especially the first), something she has said on her other DVDs as well, but here she kept saying it WAY before the end, which actually got a little annoying. Those issues might knock a half-start off my rating, but still, I enjoyed TRIM DOWN and would recommend it.

Instructor Review

Kelly is one of my absolute favorite instructors. I usually really like her background exercisers, so I wasn't sure how I would feel about working out with Kelly alone here, but I enjoyed this DVD more than I thought I would. Love Kelly!