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This DVD contains five 20 minute workouts. Christine works out with 2 backgrounders, both showing varying intensities and Christine working out at somewhere in between. You will not need any equipment for these workouts. The set is a nice open brick style gym. Each workout contains a quick warm up & cool down.

Power: You will perform 3 circuits of 4 exercises each. Exercises include lunge to squat, fast feet -tuck jumps, elevator plank to pushup, sprinter sit ups, knee up jumps, cross punch & jump, crab kick & reach, crunch & knee pull, floor touch 180 jumps, burpees, plank to side plank, and plyo donkey kicks.

Endurance: You perform 2 exercises, repeat them and then move on. Exercises include: sump side reach, heel click jacks, elevator plank, Mt climber, scissor jumps, push up to side plank, burpee, single leg bridge, 3 leg crab kicks, jogger sit ups, and V punches.

Agility: This workout contains mini-combos and the moves build on each other. The work in this section is nonstop. Exercises include: toe taps, grapevine, jumps, jump & punch, fast feet, jacks, shuffle speed bag, side push, and sprinkler.

Balance: Exercises in this core intensive yoga inspired routine are: cat cow, bird dog adding elbow to knee pull, down dog, rag doll, 3 leg dog, plank knee pull variations, toe pliets, crescent pose, side plank knee raise, up dog, warrior poses, tree, and superman.

Foundation: Exercises in this yoga & strength fusion workout include Mt. climber, 1/2 roll down, V twists, hundred, pilates bike, rolling like a ball, low back work, side plank hip drops, side lying leg series, bridge kicks, V flutter kicks & hold and concludes with rolling like a ball to standing.

I rate these high intermediate routines following Christine. Def some advanced exercises mixed in there, but easy to follow one of the 3 mods to get a workout just your own. Christine has a great personality, is motivating but not over the top & provides great pointers & motivation. Unique workouts that accomplish a lot in only 20 minutes.


This DVD contains five 20 minute workouts. Christine works out with 2 backgrounders, both showing varying intensities and Christine working out at somewhere in between. You will not need any equipment for these workouts. The set is a nice open brick style gym. Each workout contains a quick warm up & cool down.

Agility: Christine starts this workout alone and 2 backgrounders join her at the end to perform the cardio routine a few times. Christine teaches each exercise and then builds it into a short routine. Exercises include jogging, scissor jumps & pulses, fast box step, plie jacks, low knee shifts, knee pulls, pivot & down to a plank series adding in Mt climbers, and jack & kick.

Balance: Exercises include supine toe drops, double crunch, bicycle, plank, pushups, cobra, up dog, down dog adding pedals, 3 leg dog knee pulls, crescent, warrior 3, 1/2 boat leg drops, yogi bicycle, 2 legged dog, dowdn dog knee pull pushups, standing ig toe leg extension, 1/2 moon, vinyassa, and dolphin.

Power: This circuit workout includes jacks, air jacks, squat heel click jumps, pushup w/ hip twists, crab kicks, basketball shoot & floor touch, side plank crunches, single leg burpees, broad jumps, pushup flip arounds, and supine leg drops.

Foundation: This pilates routine includes plank, mt climbers, 1/2 rolldown, V twist, crunches, roll up, pilates bike, double leg stretch, scissor drops, rolling like a ball, low back swimmers, side plank hip drops, side lying leg raises, pilates floor leg series, bridge kicks, & teaser.

Endurance: This body weight toning & cardio routine includes squat & lunge, sidekicks, knee pulls, tuck jumps, mt. climbers, bear crawl to crab walk, reverse plank knee pulls, side lunges & back kicks, curtsy skater jumps, plank series, balancing stick & floor touch, single leg burpee, bicycle with leg drops, and rolling like a ball to standing.

These routines contain a lot of intermediate exercises but do include some advanced poses & exercises. Tons of unique exercises and the time goes by very quickly. I like that you can choose your intensity by choosing which exerciser to follow. Christine offers great pointers and a lot of the exercises really hit the core. I received this dvd to review.