P90 Sculpt B
Reviews from VideoFitness
Sabine did an excellent breakdown of this workout. I'll just provide my thoughts about it.
About me:
I own a lot of Tony workouts. My very first Tony workout was P90x Legs & Back after much rave reviews from a fellow VFer. From there, I purchased the rest of P90x, then P90M, PHH, and THEN P90. It was a good thing I progressed that way because had I based my opinion on P90, I probably wouldn't have considered the others. Also, my very first Beachbody product was Slim Series, and always felt that I didn't need anything else since I got such great results from it.
This refilmed version is better in many ways:
1) Nicer & brighter set
2) Warm-up is more appropriate (light cardio) instead of stretching in the original.
3) Music is better
4) There's a quick demo of each exercise prior to the moves with form pointers. I use the time to just get started rather than standing there watching - this way, I get more reps in.
5) Tony isn't so goofy in this new version.
The cast is good, they all go at their own pace, and Tony quickly gives a few form pointers when needed, then jumps right back in to do the workout along with them.
Tony isn't so goofy in this new version. Tony never bothered me - I always laughed at his jokes, but this one, he gets down to business and doesn't waste any time.
P90 is an update of Tony Horton's first Beachbody series, Power 90 which was released back in 2000. While there is nothing wrong with Power 90 from an exercise point of view, it does appear quite dated and the production values are poor. Hence, creating an updated version for 2014. P90 is geared toward the person just getting back into fitness or for someone who, for whatever reason, can't do high intensity or hardcore workout systems that Tony and Beachbody have become known for producing.
The P90 set includes 10 workouts broken up over 4 DVDs. The program starts with the 3 workouts on the A disc which are the shortest in length and meant to be foundation for the other 2 stages. There are 3 more workouts on disc B, and another 3 on disc C. There is a 4 disc which has the Saturday Special workout. For an additional cost you can purchase the Speed disc which has 3 Speed workouts and Tony's Greatest Hits.
This review is for Sculpt B. The total running time is about 31 minutes plus an additional 2 minutes for a cool down/stretch.
Exercisers: Tony works out with 3 background exercisers, 2 men, one of whom shows the less advanced modifications and/or uses only tubing, and 1 woman. Everyone is wearing athletic tops and shorts and no one is noticeably mugging for the camera.
Setting & Music: The set reminds me of a cross between a gym and a loft. A wooden floor with benches, weights, resistance bands, other fitness accessories and posters in the background. The music is instrumental with a kind of rock vibe to it. I found it neither detracted nor enhanced the workout. There is a music off option.
Equipment: tape H on the floor, several sets of dumbbells, resistance band and door attachment if using the resistance band option, and a chair. Powerstands or push up handles are optional.
Warm Up: run in place, press jacks, twist & pivot. Egosque grip circles (forward and back), sun salutations.
Exercises: Almost all exercises are done for 16 reps. If the exercise is done for time I have noted it below. I've also noted which exercises have everyone using tubing. If not noted, everyone is using dumbbells and the modifier is using tubing. The exercises are grouped into 3 rounds of 7 exercises. There is a 30 second break after rounds 1 & 2.
Round 1 : push-ups (for time), rocket row, fighter stance squats, thumbs up flies, curl hammer combo, launcher kickbacks, side lunge squat
Round 2 : sand crab push-ups (for time), iso rocket row, fighter hoppers, scarecrow press, 7/7/7 curls, chair dips, side back lunges
Round 3 : crab special push-ups (for time), renegade rows, pogo fighters, batman flies, balance curls, leg up dips, runner lunges (for time)
Cool Down: shake it off, mini kicks, overhead torso stretch, chest stretch, wide leg forward fold, groin stretch, cat/cow stretch, and ragdoll up.
The pace of the exercises is very deliberate and Tony often throws in an isometric hold element to increase the intensity. The exercises can be made easier or harder depending on your weight selection and range of motion. That being said, I think that most advanced exercisers would not find this workout challenging enough. I think it is best suited for beginner to intermediate exercisers.
Overall impressions : This is a solid total body strength workout that gets a lot done in just over 30 minutes. Tony Horton has A LOT of personality and it seems that you either love it or find it incredibly annoying. I personally love all things Tony Horton and am not bothered by his colorful commentary or sometimes goofy talk. I enjoyed the workout quite a bit and definitely felt I got in a solid strength workout.
Tony is a great instructor and demonstrates impeccable form. His commentary at times can be goofy and a little off the wall, and I find it breaks the seriousness often associated with Beachbody systems. Tony doesn't do the whole workout and often starts the exercise and then goes around to the backgrounders pointing out the form, the modification, or making corrections/adjustments. Tony sincerely wants the home exerciser to try their best and forgot the rest!