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The Firm: Transfirm Your Body

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Emily B

Other reviewers left a breakdown so I'm just going to add my impressions.

This is a 42 minute workout that uses the Fanny Lifter which they have now made pink and purple, and is referred to as the Firm Body Shaper in this workout. It is a cardio workout that uses the step in the 6", 8", fully assembled for a set of leg press and then a set of tall box climbs later, and in an interesting side by side set up for one step aerobic tune. There's also maybe three long sets of 4-limb using the step. I used 4# which was probably the heaviest I could go because she moves fast (she doesn't suggest a poundage), and I definitely felt burnout in my arms!

I used all the step configurations except I had to go down to the 6" for one exercise because she just moved too fast on the 8".

The music was fun in this, the set is the white brick background and there are some familiar faces (Kelsie, Alison, and Sue Mi). The transitions were fast (not the 30 seconds of marching in place between each tune like other Pink Firms, in fact it appears to be several clips just mashed together but it's not distracting) and Allie's cueing is fantastic in this one. Sometimes I don't love Allie because she gets too dancey and she uses baby words a lot, but she's really polished in this one. There was only one tune that had one dancey move; it was very athletic overall. And a tough abs set at the end. I personally used a bosu instead of the step for comfort and to add a balance challenge.

The DVD is now out of print I think, but definitely worth having! I enjoyed this a lot more than the bulk of Pink Firms. It had enough 4-limb work to feel some burn in my arms, along with the cardio. There were also lunes and a set of tall leg press which made it both strength and cardio.

Instructor Review

Allie was fantastic in this one. I'm not great with choreography although I'm familiar with Firm choreography. This one had a lot of different moves and quick lead changes that would have usually tripped me up, but her cuing was excellent and I was able to keep up on my first try. I also like that it was more athletic than dancey.


Allie leads this 43 min routine with 4 background exercisers in the white brick set. One exerciser provides modifications and you will need your Fanny Lifter (called Body Trainer & TransFirmer as well) and a light set of dumbbells for this workout.

This dvd contains fun floor & step routines, leg press, a tall box routine, a unique double box routine, and light 4 limb box & floor routines. After a warmup, exercises include: march & shuffle, lunge to box w/ clean & press, box toe taps & tri kickbacks, side lunge & row, straddle & bi curl, abduct & tri work, hip bump, tall box climb, and concludes with a nice ab routine (squat & diagonal swing, side knee pulls, boat on step, plank off the box adding knee pulls, and seated oblique work) and a final stretch.

I rate this an intermediate routine that like most FIRMs is easy to modify up or down. Allie does a great job of cuing and adds her own fun flair to this routine. I found this very versatile and it contains some fun & unique routines. Heavy up for a strength day or use light weights for a cardio day. I received this dvd to review.


I LOVE this workout! It uses the Fanny Lifter and light weights. My cardiovascular fitness has decreased recently; I used 5# weights and my heart was really pumping. I will change to 3# until my level goes back up. The workout flows from segment to segment nicely; alternating four limb step aerobics with step aerobics. Each segment was easy to follow and fun. I really liked the length of the workout and the intensity.

Transfirm Your Body reminds me of Super Cardio Sculpt and Calorie Killer - both led by Nancy. It also reminds me of Fat Blasting Cardio led by Lisa but using the FL instead of the Box. Some of the Music in TYB is from FBC.

There were some new ways to use the FL for step including a segment using both steps.

Allie does an excellent job leading and Robyn, Allison, Sue Mi, and Kelsey are wonderful background instructors.

This workout is an A+ for me!