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Bodystrikes Vol 3

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Debbie J

Ilaria tells you in the beginning that she's added burpees to this workout. You were warned! The setting is a little "grittier" than some of her past workouts; the brick wall in the background and the klieg lights lend to an overall industrial feel. We begin with arm reaches, leg curls, pushups, and downward dog pedal pushes; then move into alternating reverse lunges, straight leg raises, and various kicks. And that's just the warmup! The workout starts with front kicks and a tap; the tap is replaced with a side kick, then a squat is added. Then the whole thing is repeated on the other side. There are plyo jumps, roundhouses, crescent kicks, and burpees. There are squats, alternating front kicks, more squats, and burpees. Everyone is dripping with sweat, and Ilaria jokes, "this place is going to turn into a swimming pool!" It's no party in a box, but it gets the job done.

Instructor Review

Ilaria has a good rapport with her cast.