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Cardio Karate: Cardio Plyo Intervals

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Reviews from VideoFitness


Keli leads this 54 min cardio workout in a martial arts studio with 2 b/g exercisers. You will only need your UR for this workout. The exercises groups are separated by a horse stance series and then combined at the end for a full cardio karate workout. Nice Asian-esque music.

Keli does a great job of adding plyometric drills to more deliberate karate poses/exercises, getting the heart rate up more so than the others I have tried. Exercises include: jacks w/ karate arms, horse stance series, punches & strikes, hitch kicks, move up w/ palm strikes & back w/ a punch, cross over body tosses, lunge & palm strike, cat w/ knee & ankle stomp, jump squats, stomp & upper cut, lunge hops & strike down, & skater hops and concludes with 14 min of core work and cooldown. Core work includes: plank, plank jacks, elevator planks, bridge series, & supine toe reaches.

I rate this an intermediate workout but you can easily modify up or down to suit your needs. I added weighted gloves & some more hops & got a good workout. Keli does a great job in this one and looks amazing! Her form & cuing are great & I like the addition of plyos after more slow & deliberate karate work. There is a countdown bar that has occasional tips & reminders along side it. Love the functional work and felt my core working throughout. I received this dvd to review.