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Yoga Tune Up at Home, Level 1

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Lisa C

Level 1, Month 2

Program A: 15 minutes

This is a very nice routine for stretching after a workout. There isn't a lot of up and down like there is in some of the other YAH routines. You start on the floor, move to standing for the lunges and chair poses, then go back to the floor to finish. The poses include: sidewinder, revolved abdominal pose, bicycle, 2 runner's lunge variations, 3 chair pose variations with blocks, wide leg runners lunge, boomerang, face-up pigeon. I love to do this one after a run.

Program B: 19 minutes

This one is another great stretching routine. Poses include: knee to chest, half happy baby, leg stretch #1,#2,#3 at the wall, standing forward bend with bent knees, head to knee pose, side bending head to knee pose, eagle crunch, happy baby. I love the leg stretch sequence. I think it is the same as in Post-Athletic Stretch Running routine. (But the rest of the routine is different, so I like having both.) The only really difficult pose in this one for me is the eagle crunch.

Program C: 32 minutes

All of the poses from A and B combined into one routine.

With the other months, I find that I like to do the long routine C, but with month 2, I don't do that as much. That is because I think both A and B on their own are great routines for a post workout stretch. Routine A focuses a little more on the hips, and Routine B on the hamstrings. I love them both.

Lisa C

Level 1, Month 3

Program A: 15 minutes

This routine focuses on the shoulders and core. I like to do this one after I've already done some other core work. It doesn't have quite enough core work to challenge me, but if I have already done some ab/core work it is an excellent "finisher". The walk-the-plank move can be very challenging. Poses include: shoulder stretches (epaulet arm circles, praynic bath, bridge arms in standing) alternating with planks (knee down, full, walk the plank), locust mini vini, side angle pose, standing forward bend with knees bent.

Program B: 19 minutes

This routine focuses on balance with some leg/hip work and starts introducing some standing poses. It finishes with a few restorative poses which is nice. Poses include: half happy baby mini vini, triangle prep, then pose, intense stretch with block, standing balance poses (flamingo swings, knee to chest, tree), warrior 1, easy seated side bends, reclined spinal twist.

Program C: 32 minutes

All of the poses from A and B combined into one routine.

I just love, love, love this one. Especially routine C. To me it is has it all - balance work, planks, great stretches for the shoulder and lower body and finishes off with two restorative poses. I have been doing this one consistently even when I started with month 4, because I love it so much.

Lisa C

Level 1, Month 4

Program A: 15 minutes

This routine has a little bit of everything. It also incluces the first post that stopped me in my tracks - twisted child's pose. The first few times I did it I ended up falling over, and it scared me a little because of the way your head is twisted on the ground. But I am feeling more comfortable with it after a few weeks. The strength work isn't super tough, but when done after a hard workout can be tiring. Poses include:2 bicycle variations, knee to chin at wall, and with a block under hips, shoulder stretches, 3 skier squat variations , warrior 3 prep, twisted child pose.

Program B: 20 minutes

This routine is good but tougher than everything before. I like how she uses the block for bridge and cobra to get you to focus on keeping stable. Poses include: sidewinder, revolved ab pose variation #2, 2 bridge variations, cobra with block, leg stretch #3, 2 intense stretch variations, twisted triangle, twisted side angle pose, happy baby.

Program C: 34 minutes

All of the poses from A and B combined into one routine.

This routine seems harder to me than everything else before. That is the point, I know - to progress with these. But the twisted poses are not as easy for me as when I used to do yoga more regularly 10 years ago. It is nice to start to feel a little challenged with the routines, even though I've really enjoyed the first 3 months too.


I've listed the poses down below, with some brief comments on the first two DVDs. I was placed as Level 1 due to chronic hip & knee issues, but I'm actually really a Level 2 or perhaps a beginning Level 3. After working with these for about 3 weeks I went ahead and told them to ship me all the Level 2 DVDs. As a result I ended up with all Level 1, all Level 2, and about a week later the first DVD from Level 3. I am enjoying mixing them up and am using all three Levels at once. Level 1 would be very appropriate to someone just starting out especially if there are some injury or similar concerns.

YTUAH Level 1 Month 1:

Pgm A - 12 minutes


apanasana with abdominal contraction

Reclined spinal twist

Locust mini-vini

Easy seated side bends

Half wide leg forward bend

Face up pigeon

Pgm B - 17 minutes

shoulder circles

arm circles


forearm planks with knees down

seated squat (full squat with butt all the way down - some people with knee problems may need to avoid this pose. My knee is better but was told not to do full squats so I do not do these)

prasrita lunges

shoulder stretches

prasrita lunges with shoulder rolls

wide leg runners lung variations (2)

prasrita forward bend with hands clasped

Pgm c - 27 minutes

(This is a very simple DVD. For me it qualified as a very light stretch. At first I wasn't that thrilled with it, but it kind of grew on me as something to use when I just want something very light. I think to someone that is just starting out, though, this would be a good DVD to start with).


YTUAH Level 1 Month 2:

Pgm A - 15 minutes


revolved abdominal pose variation 1


runners lunge variations

chair pose - 3 variations with blocks

wide legged runners lunge


face up pigeon

Pgm B - 19 minutes

knee to chest

half happy baby

leg stretch 1-3 at the wall (same as from PAS Running)

standing forward bend with bent knees

head to knee pose

side bending head to knee pose

eagle crunch

happy baby

Pgm c - 32 minutes

(I loved this DVD. Lots of very nice stretches that just hit me right)


YTUAH Level 1 Month 3

Pgm A - 15 minutes

shoulder stretches

planks (knee down, full, walk the plank)

locust mini vini

side angle pose variations

forward bend

Pgm B - 19 minutes

half happy baby mini vini

triangle pose variations

parvottanasana/intense stretch with block

standing balance poses (flamingo swings, knee to chest, tree)

warrior 1

easy seated side bends

reclined spinal twist

Pgm c - 32 minutes


YTUAH Level 1 Month 4

Pgm A - 15 minutes

bicycle variations

knee to chin variations

shoulder stretches

skier squat variations (three)

warrior 3 prep

twisted child pose

Pgm B - 20 minutes

oblique variations

bridge variations (2)

cobra with block

leg stretch #3

parvottanasana/intense stretch variations (2)

twisted triangle

twisted side angle pose

happy baby

Pgm c - 34 minutes


YTUAH Level 1 Month 5

Pgm A - 13 minutes

cat / cow variations

forearm plank


pec strengthener

walk the plank with a blanket

shoulder stretches

downward dog

Pgm B - 20 minutes

wide leg forward bend

standing boomerang

chair pose with block

upright frog (standing yogic squat, knees wide - hold 45 seconds)

side angle pose

triangle pose

moon rises mini vini (hip socket flexibility)

asymmetrical forward bend

runners lunge with block

leg stretch # 3 with block

Pgm C - 30 minutes


YTUAH Level 1Month 6

Pgm A - 14 minutes

shoulder openers - major emphasis

pushups with knee down


forward bend with arms clasped

Pgm B - 24 minutes

child pose

child pose up to kneeling repeated

shoulder openers

parvottanasana/intense stretch

plank activating shoulders

triangle pose

down dog with elbows bent

twisted triangle

downward dog

side angle pose

downward dog with legs externally rotated

twisted side angle pose

head to knee pose

Pgm C - 36 minutes

Lisa C

Level 1, Month 1

Program A: 12 minutes

This program is done entirely on the floor. It is very gentle. The focus is the core, but more stretching than strength work. Poses include: knee-to-chest; reclined spinal twist, locust; seated side bend; half wide-leg forward bend; face-up pigeon. I love to do this one as a post workout stretch. I sometimes might want more lower body stretching, but it is enough for a quick stretch.

Program B: 17 minutes

This routine is more active, but still fairly gentle. The moves are mostly short and modified. Even the moves like the mega-plank aren't too hard, since you are doing it on your knees, and for less than 30 seconds. The bicycle move is short - only 6 reps, but very focused. The moves focus on the arms/shoulders and lower body, but includes some core work too. Poses include: shoulder and arm circles; mega plank, bicycle; 2 prasarita lunges; 2 runner lunge variations; arms clasped behind back stretches.

Program C: 27 minutes

All of the poses from A and B combined into one routine.

This is probably the easiest Jill Miller workout you can find. Routine A is probably the most restorative. It is intended for people who are new to yoga or dealing with injuries, and as a accessible starting point. I can handle more than this month, but I'm glad to have it. I have used Routine A quite a bit after workouts and it feels great. I don't love routine B as much, probably because I don't love prasarita lunges. But I still do it and enjoy the shoulder work and the runners lunges, and usually feel well stretched afterwards.