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iTread, Set 6, 20 minutes

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Reviews from VideoFitness

Lisa C

Total time: 21 minutes

~ Warmup (3:20)

~ Increase speed by .3 mph (1:30)

~ Warm-up speed at 4% (2:00)

~ Increase speed by .4 0% (2:45)

~ Walk 10% hill (2:30)

~ Fast run 0% (2:00)

~ Sprint (1:45)

~ Medium run (2:00)

~ Add 2% grade (:30)

~ Increase speed (1:45)

~ Walk/Cooldown (1:30)

The basic premise is to make a change every two minutes. As is normal with Grace, the two minutes are not always exactly timed, but are close enough. The format keeps it from getting boring. There isn't ever any recovery in this workout, but that is fine, since this is such a short workout.

I like it for a fast and short workout. (But I like most of the 20 minutes workouts for this.)